Market Summary

Day-Ahead System Summary
Hour DA
Net Load Forecast1
Forecast plus Reserves2
RUC Forecast
RUC Shortfall
with Forecast Adjust4
RUC Shortfall5 RUC Self-Sched (PTK)
Export Reduction6
1 27,158 22,698 29,561 0 0 0 0
2 25,606 21,192 28,008 0 0 0 0
3 24,533 20,145 26,928 0 0 0 0
4 23,836 19,523 25,894 0 0 0 0
5 23,731 19,577 25,789 0 0 0 0
6 24,489 20,455 26,547 0 0 0 0
7 25,158 18,659 27,109 0 0 0 0
8 25,968 14,380 27,892 0 0 0 0
9 26,339 11,893 27,975 0 0 0 0
10 26,304 10,706 28,002 0 0 0 0
11 26,523 10,387 28,317 0 0 0 0
12 27,236 10,677 29,080 0 0 0 0
13 28,381 11,592 30,272 0 0 0 0
14 29,822 12,815 31,683 0 0 0 0
15 31,354 14,267 33,312 752 0 0 0
16 32,759 15,806 34,807 1,457 0 0 0
17 34,069 17,484 36,200 1,818 0 0 0
18 35,317 20,112 37,526 1,766 0 0 0
19 35,939 24,401 38,188 1,797 0 0 0
20 35,547 29,007 37,770 1,777 0 0 0
21 34,391 29,566 36,542 1,720 0 0 0
22 33,141 28,337 35,212 1,657 0 0 0
23 30,761 26,044 32,705 829 0 0 0
24 28,218 23,714 30,276 0 0 0 0

1 Day-Ahead CAISO Demand forecast minus solar and wind forecast

2 Day-Ahead CAISO Demand forecast plus hourly operating reserve requirements

3 Adjustment applied to the Day-Ahead load forecast

4 RUC Shortfall that includes any operator adjustment to RUC forecast

5 The RUC Under-supply infeasibility discounting the adjustment to Day-Ahead forecast

6 Difference between RUC schedule and IFM schedules for export schedules supported by non-RA resources

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