Market Summary

Day-Ahead System Summary
Hour DA
Net Load Forecast1
Forecast plus Reserves2
RUC Forecast
RUC Shortfall
with Forecast Adjust4
RUC Shortfall5 RUC Self-Sched (PTK)
Export Reduction6
1 28,358 27,117 30,620 395 0 0 0
2 26,990 25,936 28,657 406 0 0 0
3 25,754 24,845 27,352 408 0 0 0
4 24,886 24,079 26,434 403 0 0 0
5 24,409 23,697 25,973 394 0 0 0
6 24,560 23,965 26,147 376 0 0 0
7 24,743 24,047 26,616 388 0 0 0
8 24,806 21,781 26,365 1,069 0 0 0
9 25,170 17,964 26,702 1,795 0 0 0
10 25,550 15,495 27,106 1,913 0 0 0
11 26,277 14,997 27,878 1,929 0 0 0
12 27,353 15,602 29,179 1,910 0 0 0
13 28,546 16,806 30,479 2,446 0 0 0
14 30,007 18,348 31,998 2,693 0 0 0
15 31,682 20,191 33,649 3,431 0 0 0
16 33,319 22,277 35,402 4,240 0 0 0
17 34,920 25,282 37,123 5,060 0 0 0
18 35,940 29,658 38,192 4,707 0 0 0
19 36,033 33,025 38,291 3,708 0 0 0
20 35,774 33,491 38,015 2,988 0 0 0
21 34,699 32,232 36,873 3,001 0 0 0
22 33,104 30,579 35,174 2,095 0 0 0
23 30,914 28,335 32,870 1,047 0 0 0
24 28,741 26,108 30,599 344 0 0 0

1 Day-Ahead CAISO Demand forecast minus solar and wind forecast

2 Day-Ahead CAISO Demand forecast plus hourly operating reserve requirements

3 Adjustment applied to the Day-Ahead load forecast

4 RUC Shortfall that includes any operator adjustment to RUC forecast

5 The RUC Under-supply infeasibility discounting the adjustment to Day-Ahead forecast

6 Difference between RUC schedule and IFM schedules for export schedules supported by non-RA resources

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