
R.05-12-013 Order Instituting Rulemaking to Consider Refinements to and Further Development of the Commission's Resource Adequacy Requirements Program

26 Documents

26 of 26 results
Title Type Posted
April 16, 2010 Comments on revised proposed decision in docket no. R.05-12-013 (OIR re: resource adequacy) 203.57 KB
Comment 04/16/2010, 4:06 PM
December 11, 2009 Reply Comments on Assigned ALJ's Proposed Decision in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (OIR re: Resource Adequacy) 137.58 KB
Comment 12/14/2009, 9:11 AM
December 2, 2009 Comments on Assigned ALJ's Proposed Decision in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (OIR re: Resource Adequacy) 200.65 KB
Comment 12/03/2009, 8:06 AM
March 14, 2008 Reply Comments on recommendations on Capacity Market Structure in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy) 630.73 KB
Comment 03/17/2008, 8:22 AM
February 29, 2008 Comments on Staff Recommendations on Capacity Market Structure in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy) 876.51 KB
Comment 02/29/2008, 4:02 PM
September 28, 2007 Comments of the California ISO on Supplemental Track 3 Proposals in Proceeding No. R.05-12-013 (RAR Program) 654.40 KB
Comment 09/28/2007, 4:19 PM
June 18, 2007 Reply Comments on Proposed Opinion on Phase 2 - Track 1 Issues in Proceeding No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy) 579.72 KB
Comment 06/19/2007, 1:21 PM
June 11, 2007 Comments on the Proposed Opinion on Phase 2 - Track 1 Issues in Proceeding No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy) 655.20 KB
Comment 06/12/2007, 11:44 AM
April 20, 2007 Reply Comments of the CAISO, PG&E, SDG&E and SCE and TURN on the Path 26 in No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy) 686.84 KB
Comment 04/25/2007, 11:16 AM
April 6, 2007 Post-Workshop Comments on Resource Adequacy Phase 2, Track 1 in Proceeding No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy) 625.06 KB
Comment 04/10/2007, 4:02 PM
January 26, 2007 Proposals of the California ISO on Track I Issues in Proceeding No. R.05-12-013 (RAR Program) 872.09 KB
Proposal 01/29/2007, 4:23 PM
September 15, 2006 Comments on Administrative Law Judge's Ruling Regarding Phase 2 in Proceeding No. R.05-12-013 (RAR) 291.21 KB
Comment 09/18/2006, 3:20 PM
July 17, 2006 Reply Comments on Draft Opinion in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy Requirements Program) 167.80 KB
Comment 07/18/2006, 8:03 AM
July 10, 2006 Comments on Draft Opinion on Remaining Phase 1 Issues in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy Requirements) 42.54 KB
Comment 07/11/2006, 10:13 AM
July 26, 2006 Reply Comments on the May 30, 2006 Draft Decision in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy Program) 163.96 KB
Comment 06/28/2006, 10:34 AM
June 19, 2006 Comments on the May 30, 2006 Draft Decision in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy Program) 167.37 KB
Comment 06/20/2006, 9:50 AM
May 3, 2006 Reply Comments on Section 1.A of Staff Report Re: 2007 Local Capacity Tech. Analysis in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (RAR) 855.62 KB
Comment 05/04/2006, 10:00 AM
April 28, 2006 Corrected 2007 Locational Capacity Technical Analysis & Errata in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (RAR Program) 537.46 KB
05/01/2006, 12:31 PM
April 28, 2006 Reply Comments on the Local Resource Adequacy Requirement Phase 1 Staff Report in Docket No. R.05-12-013 782.07 KB
Comment 05/01/2006, 12:28 PM
April 21, 2006 2007 Local Capacity Technical Analysis Report and Study Results in Docket No. R.05-12 (Resource Adequacy Program) 257.38 KB
Study 04/24/2006, 9:27 AM
April 21, 2006 Comments on the Local Resource Adequacy Requirement Phase 1 Staff Report in Docket No. R.05-12-013 1.56 MB
Comment 04/24/2006, 8:59 AM
March 13, 2006 Comments Regarding Phase 1 Topics in Docket No. R.05-12-013 744.50 KB
Comment 03/13/2006, 2:11 PM
March 10, 2006 Errata to Report Summarizing the Meet and Confer Process in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (Resource Adequacy Program) 713.54 KB
Report 03/13/2006, 8:42 AM
February 22, 2006 Report Summarizing Meet & Confer Process to Develop Study Input Assumptions in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (RAR) 3.49 MB
Study 02/23/2006, 12:43 PM
January 31, 2006 Proposal Regarding Local Resource Adequacy Requirements in Docket No. R.05-12-013 425.30 KB
Proposal 02/01/2006, 7:37 AM
January 23, 2006 Comments of the California ISO on the ALJ's Ruling Regarding Revised Protective Order in Docket No. R.05-12-013 614.76 KB
Comment 01/24/2006, 9:24 AM
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