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  • Generation interconnection process reform
    On December 11, 2007, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission held a nationwide technical conference to address challenges affecting the current queue management process adopted by Order No. 2003 and to explore possible reforms. The California ISO, as well as other ISOs and RTOs across the country, identified issues hindering the efficient implementation of the current queue management process. As a result of the California ISO's participation at the technical conference, FERC expressed a desire for the California ISO to propose any necessary reforms by Spring 2008. In accordance with the FERC directive, the ISO is initiating a stakeholder process to evaluate potential queue management reforms. To the extent ISO Tariff changes are necessary to implement any identified reforms, the ISO anticipates seeking its Board of Governors approval prior to submission to FERC for acceptance.
    • Outcome
      The 2008 Generation Interconnection Process Reform (GIPR) for large generation interconnection projects which are projects greater than 20 MW was implemented in July 2008. The major elements of this reform included moving from a serial study approach (one project at a time) to a cluster study approach and also included new cost allocation methodologies for network upgrades to provide cost and schedule certainty to interconnection customers. — Implemented: Jul 28, 2008; FERC Order: Sep 26, 2008 (ER08-1317); Board of Governors approval: Jul 01, 2008
    • Generation interconnection process reform - papers and proposals