
FERC filings - 2003

2 Topics

152 Documents

152 of 152 results
Title Type Posted
July 30, 2003 Status report in docket no. ER02-922-000 302.98 KB
11/29/2011, 10:00 AM
California ISOs Responsive Filing to Certain Submissions Filed in Docket Nos. EL00-95-069, et al. 3.29 MB
07/01/2005, 4:54 PM
The California ISOs compliance order concerning the April 14, 2003 compliance filing in Docket Nos EL00-95 1.01 MB
Filing 02/08/2005, 3:51 PM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-179-000 (Williams Energy Services Company) 160.45 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:28 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-170-000 (Reliant Resources, Inc.) 115.08 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:20 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-165-000 (Portaland General Electric Company) 183.51 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:19 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-169-000 (Puget Sound Energy, Inc.) 217.18 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:19 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-160-000 (Morgan Stanley Capital Group) 165.88 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:18 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-163-000 (PacifiCorp) 160.48 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:18 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-149-000 (City of Redding, California) 143.43 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:17 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-146-000 (City of Azusa, California) 176.83 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:17 AM
Comments of California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-1148-000 (City of Pasadena, California) 147.38 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 11:16 AM
California ISOs Technical Supplement to Source Data Provided Pursuant to the June 25, 2003 FERC Order in Docket Nos. EL03-137l. 2.50 MB
Filing 05/12/2004, 11:16 AM
California ISOs Response to FERCs Data Request on March 10, 2003 in Docket Nos. EL00-95-063, et al. (Redacted Version) 1.83 MB
Response 05/12/2004, 11:14 AM
California ISOs Opposition to the Motion to File Answer in Docket No. EL03-54-000 (Southern Cities v. California ISO) 61.92 KB
Motion 05/12/2004, 10:57 AM
California ISOs Opposition to the CDWRs Answer in Docket No. EL03-54-000 (Southern Cities v. California ISO) 36.97 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:57 AM
Opposition to EOB's Motion to Intervene & Response to SCEs Motion to Intervene in Docket No. EL03-54 (Southern Cities v. ISO) 25.85 KB
Motion 05/12/2004, 10:44 AM
Opposition to the CDWR SWP's Motion to Intervene in Docket No. ER03-601-000 (Southern Cities v. California ISO) 44.88 KB
Motion 05/12/2004, 10:44 AM
Notification to FERC of the effective date of the UDCOA between ISO & Westside Power Authority in Docket No. ER03-1360-000 119.43 KB
05/12/2004, 10:42 AM
California ISOs Motion to Intervene in Docket No. ER03-299-000 (PG&E RMR Issue) 100.85 KB
Motion 05/12/2004, 10:33 AM
informational filing pursuant to Article IX, Section B of Stipulation and Agreement approved by FERC in Docket No. ER04-286-000 263.39 KB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:32 AM
Motion for Leave to File Answer and Answer to Intervetions, Comments, Protests & other motions in Docket No. ER04-115-000 196.60 KB
Motion 05/12/2004, 10:32 AM
California ISOs Filing in Compliance with FERCs March 13, 2003 Order in Docket Nos., EL00-95-071, et al. 805.85 KB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:31 AM
Filing in Compliance with FERCs November 22, 2002 Order Concerning Unresolved Issues in Docket Nos. ER98-3760-000, et al. 1.36 MB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:31 AM
Filing in Compliance with FERC's December 26, 2002 Order Approving Settlement Agreement in Docket No. ER02-250-000 (2002 GMC) 130.17 KB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:30 AM
Comments on the California Parties Motion for Expedited Clarification in Docket Nos. EL00-95. (Refund Case) 110.71 KB
Comment 05/12/2004, 10:29 AM
California ISO Filing in Compliance with FERCs July 25, 2003 Order in Docket No. ER98-3760-000 (Unresolved Issues) 814.91 KB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:15 AM
Brief Addressing Staffs Interpretation of ISO and PX Tariff Authority in No. PA02-2 (Manipulation of Electric and Gas Prices) 815.59 KB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:13 AM
Answer to the Request for Rehearing of IDACORP Energy in Docket Nos. EL00-111-005, et al. (Southern Cities v. ISO) 431.33 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:12 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Protests and Request for Hearing in Docket No. ER03-310-000 (TAC) 975.37 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:12 AM
Answer of the California to Motion to Dismiss Show Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-148-000 (City of Pasadena, California) 147.38 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:12 AM
Answer to Motions for Clarification and Requests for Rehearing of the March 26 Order in Docket No. EL00-95-045 122.80 KB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:11 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceedings in Docket No. EL03-175-000 (Southern California Edison) 12.04 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:09 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-178-000 (Western Area Power Administration) 86.09 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:09 AM
Answer of the CAISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-177-000 (Tucson Electric Power Company) 206.52 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:08 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-171(Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement) 157.12 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:07 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-174 (Sierra Pacific Power - Gaming Show Cause Order) 92.44 KB
Filing 05/12/2004, 10:07 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-167-000 (Public Service Company of Colorado) 88.19 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:06 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-168-000 (Public Service Company of New Mexico) 164.19 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:06 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-164-000 (PG&E Energy Services) 84.59 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:05 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-162-000 (Pacific Gas and Electric) 12.06 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 10:00 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-157-000 (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power) 291.72 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:59 AM
Answer of the CAISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-150-000 (City of Riverside, California) 88.49 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:55 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-155-000 (FP&L Energy) 85.43 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:55 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-146-000 (CIty of Azusa, California) 176.83 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:53 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-144-000 (Cargill-Alliant) 118.41 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:52 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-143-000 (California Power Exchange) 12.21 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:51 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-142-000 (California Department of Water Resources) 12.55 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:41 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-141-000 (Bonneville Power Administration) 193.32 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:40 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-139-000 (Arizona Public Service) 17.42 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:39 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Motion to Dismiss Partnership Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-202-000 (TransAlta Energy Marketing) 138.99 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:33 AM
Answer of the CAISO to Motion to Dismiss Partnership Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-145-000 (CIty of Aneheim, California) 108.59 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:33 AM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss NCPA from Gaming Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-161-000 13.58 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:32 AM
Answer of the California ISO to Complaint of SDG&E in Docket No. EL03-131-000 (SDG&E v. California ISO) 6.46 MB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:31 AM
Answer to Certain Requests for Rehearing Re: Gaming and or Anomalous Market Behavoir in Docket No. EL03-137 445.42 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:27 AM
Answer in Opposition to Motion to Strike of the California Generators in Docket Nos. EL00-95. (SDG&E v. Sellers of Energy) 98.09 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:26 AM
Answer in Opposition to Duke Entities' motion for Expedited Approval of Limited Discovery in Docket No. PA02-2-005 107.12 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:25 AM
Answer in Opposition to CAREs Request for Investigation in Docket Nos. EL00-95. (San Diego Gas & Electric) 295.70 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:24 AM
Amendment of Answer to Interventions, Comments, Protests, etc. in Docket No. ER04-115-000 15.58 KB
Answer 05/12/2004, 9:23 AM
Motion to Intervene and Comments of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-830-000 (California Power Exchange) 158.53 KB
Motion 05/06/2004, 10:58 AM
Informational Filing re: Revision in its TAC Rates to Account for the Changes to the Rates of PG&E in Docket No. ER03-1357-000 313.99 KB
Filing 05/06/2004, 10:55 AM
Information filing to provide notice regarding the updated transmission Access Charges in Docket No. ER04-370-000 437.84 KB
Filing 05/06/2004, 10:52 AM
Status Report to the Commission in Docket Nos. EL03-47-000, et al. (Investigation of Certain Enron-Affiliated QFs, et al.) 75.20 KB
Report 12/31/2003, 12:13 PM
Motion to Intervene and Comments of the California ISO in Docket No. EL04-34-000 (Vernon, California) 150.30 KB
Motion 12/29/2003, 2:15 PM
Page 4 of the Motion for Clarification in Docket Nos. EL00-95 97.34 KB
Motion 12/19/2003, 12:56 PM
Joint Motion for Further Extension of Time in Docket Nos. ER98-997-000, et al. (California ISO) 131.97 KB
Motion 12/18/2003, 12:24 PM
Motion to Intervene and Motion to Consolidate of the California ISO in Docket Nos. ER04-220-000, et al. (NEO/RMR) 52.12 KB
Motion 12/16/2003, 3:04 PM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER04-227-000 (Mirant/RMR) 49.31 KB
Motion 12/16/2003, 2:14 PM
Joint Provisional Protest in Docket No. ER04-227-000 (Mirant/RMR) 54.20 KB
12/16/2003, 2:09 PM
Motion for Expedited Consideration in Docket Nos. EL00-95-082, et al. (San Diego Gas & Electric, et al.) 824.45 KB
Motion 12/15/2003, 3:28 PM
Motion for Leave to File Answer and Answer in Docket Nos. EL00-95-045, et al. (San Diego Gas & Electric, et al.) 703.88 KB
Motion 12/15/2003, 2:45 PM
Comments on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket Nos. EL03-151-000, et al. (Coral Power, et al./OSC Proceeding) 30.15 KB
Comment 12/09/2003, 12:41 PM
Joint Motion for a Further Extension of Time of the CAISO and Cogeneration Association in Docket Nos. ER98-997-002, et al. 133.26 KB
Motion 12/04/2003, 4:06 PM
Comments of the California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-159-000 (Modesto Irrigation District) 429.83 KB
Comment 12/04/2003, 4:01 PM
Comments of the California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-156-000 (Idaho Power Company) 126.07 KB
Comment 12/04/2003, 3:58 PM
Comments of the California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-140-000 (Automated Power Exchange) 11.72 KB
Comment 12/04/2003, 3:57 PM
Answer to Motions to Intervene, Comments, and Protests in Docket No. ER04-61-000 (California ISO) 45.77 KB
Answer 12/01/2003, 1:45 PM
Provisional Protest in Docket No. ER04-171-000 (Gesers Power Company - RMR Agreement with the California ISO) 502.01 KB
Filing 11/26/2003, 11:23 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER04-122-000 (Southern California Edison) 48.45 KB
Motion 11/25/2003, 9:41 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER04-109-000 (Pacific Gas and Electric) 40.23 KB
Motion 11/25/2003, 9:39 AM
Comments on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket Nos. EL03-166-000, et al. (Powerex Corporation/Gaming Show Cause Order) 29.58 KB
Comment 11/25/2003, 9:37 AM
Comments on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-173-000, et al. (Sempra Energy Trading/Gaming Show Cause Order) 42.60 KB
Comment 11/25/2003, 9:36 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-510-002 (Delta Energy Center) 83.86 KB
Motion 11/24/2003, 3:55 PM
Petition for Review of Arbitrators Award of the California ISO in Docket No. EL04-24-000 (California ISO) 1,011.35 KB
11/24/2003, 3:36 PM
Joint Motion for Extension of Time for Protests in Docket No. ER04-133-000 (Duke Energy Oakland) 489.20 KB
Motion 11/21/2003, 4:30 PM
Motion to Intervene, Motion to Consolidate, and Provisional Protest in Docket No. ER04-142-000, et al. (Pacific Gas & Electric) 696.74 KB
Motion 11/21/2003, 4:14 PM
Motion to Intervene and Provisional Protest of the California ISO in Docket No. ER04-141-000 (Pacific Gas and Electric) 449.85 KB
Motion 11/21/2003, 4:12 PM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER04-133-000 (Duke Energy Oakland) 282.49 KB
Motion 11/21/2003, 4:08 PM
Joint Motion for Extension of Time for Protests in Docket No. ER04-134-000 (Duke Energy South Bay) 496.00 KB
Motion 11/21/2003, 4:06 PM
Request for Clarification and/or Rehearing in Docket Nos. EL00-95-081, et al. (SDG&E v. Sellers of Energy,et al.) 71.05 KB
11/17/2003, 2:29 PM
Prepared Direct Testimony and Exhibits of the California ISO in Docket Nos. EL03-137-000, et al. (American Electric Power) 9.90 MB
11/03/2003, 4:18 PM
Designation of Exhibit by the California ISO in Docket Nos. EL03-137-000, et al. (American Electric Power) 136.27 KB
Filing 11/03/2003, 3:18 PM
Motion to Intervene and Answer of the California ISO in Docket No. EL04-2-000 (SMUD v. PG&E, et al.) 444.77 KB
Motion 10/31/2003, 9:55 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. EL03-235-000 (Western Interconnect) 84.99 KB
Motion 10/31/2003, 9:02 AM
Comments of the California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-158-000 (Mirant Agreement and Stipulation) 86.25 KB
Comment 10/21/2003, 8:15 AM
Joint Motion for an Extension of Time in Docket No. ER98-997-000 (California ISO - PGA Issue) 124.54 KB
Motion 10/14/2003, 1:20 PM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-145-000 (City of Anaheim, California) 56.06 KB
Answer 10/10/2003, 2:07 PM
Answer to Motion to Dismiss Show Cause Proceeding in Docket No. EL03-146-000 (City of Azusa, California) 51.56 KB
Answer 10/10/2003, 2:06 PM
Corrected Version of Comments Concerning the Proposed Settlement on Behalf in Docket No. EL03-169-000 (AEP - Gaming OSC) 146.10 KB
Comment 10/08/2003, 12:39 PM
Informational Filing to Provide Notice Regarding the Updated TAC in Docket No. ER03-1404-000 233.08 KB
Filing 10/08/2003, 10:35 AM
Comments of the CAISO on the Commissions Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in Docket No. RM02-12-000 (Standard Market Design) 998.62 KB
Comment 10/03/2003, 2:02 PM
Comments of the California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-138-000 (Aquila Merchant Services, Inc.) 185.74 KB
Comment 09/30/2003, 3:31 PM
Comments of the California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-137-000 (AEP - Show Cause Order Proceeding) 75.83 KB
Comment 09/30/2003, 1:31 PM
Comments of the California ISO on Agreement and Stipulation in Docket No. EL03-172-000 (SDG&E - Show Cause Order Proceeding) 76.95 KB
Comment 09/30/2003, 1:30 PM
Motion for ext of time to submit comp filing with req for shortened comm period in docket no. RM02-1 (Standardization of GIAs) 98.38 KB
Motion 09/22/2003, 3:42 PM
Reply Brief of the California ISO in Docket No. EL03-54-000 (Southern Cities v. California ISO) 150.20 KB
08/28/2003, 2:00 PM
Motion to Intervene and Comments of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-1094-000 (SCE - SC Issue) 92.65 KB
Motion 08/11/2003, 2:59 PM
Comments Regarding Proposed Revisions to Market-Based Rate Tariffs and Authorizations in Docket No. EL01-118-000 124.56 KB
Comment 08/11/2003, 8:52 AM
Resp. in Opp. to IDACORP's intervention, Req for Leave to Respond & Response to Protest in Docket No. EL00-111-006, et al. 688.64 KB
Response 07/28/2003, 8:58 AM
Request for Rehearing and/or clarification in Docket No. EL03-137-000, et al. (American Electric Power, et al.) 1.14 MB
07/28/2003, 8:51 AM
Motion to Intervene and Comments of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-1010-000 (NEO California - RMR Issue) 73.34 KB
Motion 07/22/2003, 12:15 PM
Motion to Intervene of the Califonria ISO in Docket Nos. EL03-180-000, et al. (Enron Power Marketing, et al.) 204.60 KB
Motion 07/16/2003, 1:34 PM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket Nos. EL03-137-000 (American Electric Power Service, et al) 253.34 KB
Motion 07/16/2003, 1:31 PM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-943-000 (Mirant RMR Issue) 81.04 KB
Motion 07/02/2003, 9:27 AM
Stipulation of the California ISO Regarding the GMC Settlement Agreement in Docket No. ER02-250-000 (California ISO GMC) 104.12 KB
Filing 05/21/2003, 2:37 PM
Motion for Limited Extension of Time to File First Quarter 2003 Electric Quarterly Report in Docket No. RM01-8 89.62 KB
Motion 05/15/2003, 2:12 PM
Response to Generators Expedited Motion on Average vs. Incremental Heat Rates in the Gas Cost Allowance in Docket Nos. EL00-95. 297.38 KB
Motion 05/07/2003, 10:02 AM
Motion to Intervene and Protest of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-708-000 (PG&E - RMR Issue) 120.29 KB
Motion 04/28/2003, 8:52 AM
Motion for Further, Limited Extension of Time to File Corrected Electric Quarterly Report in Docket Nos. RM01-8-000, et al. 152.94 KB
Motion 04/28/2003, 8:43 AM
Request for Rehearing and/or Clarification of the California ISO in Docket Nos. EL00-95-045, et al. 225.92 KB
04/28/2003, 8:28 AM
Motion of the California ISO for Extension of Time to File Corrected Electric Quarterly Report in Docket Nos. RM01-8 206.03 KB
Motion 04/17/2003, 1:48 PM
Request for Rehearing by the California ISO in Docket No. EL00-111-002 (Southern Cities v. California ISO) 185.17 KB
04/11/2003, 2:56 PM
Motion to Intervene Out of Time and Comment of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-175-000 (GIF with Termoelectrica) 99.31 KB
Motion 04/09/2003, 12:21 PM
Emergency Request for Extension of Time to File Corrected Electric Quarterly Report in Docket Nos. RM01-8 126.86 KB
Filing 04/09/2003, 10:22 AM
Motion to Intervene and Comments Out of Time of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-601-000 (SDG&E - TO Tariff Issue) 84.04 KB
Motion 03/31/2003, 3:24 PM
Motion to Intervene and Comments in Docket Nos. ER02-10-004, et al. (Duke Energy Oakland, et al. - Refund Reports) 92.55 KB
Motion 03/27/2003, 3:00 PM
Motion to Intervene and Comments In Docket No. ER02-1330-005 (PG&E Agreement Issue with Los Medanos Energy Center) 91.01 KB
Motion 03/21/2003, 1:20 PM
Comments of the California ISO in Docket No. PL03-1-000 (Proposed Pricing Policy for Transmission Grid) 123.39 KB
Comment 03/13/2003, 11:44 AM
Motion to Intevene & Protest to the Petition for Review of Arbitrators Award, etc. in Docket No. EL03-54-000 50.78 KB
Motion 03/11/2003, 4:30 PM
Correction to the California ISOs March 7, 2003 Compliance Filing Report in Docket No. ER02-250-000 (2002 GMC) 147.75 KB
Filing 03/10/2003, 2:23 PM
Motion to Intervene and Protest of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-510-000 (Delta Energy Center, LLC - RMR Issue) 100.62 KB
Motion 03/03/2003, 8:16 AM
Initial Comments Regarding the Standard Market Design Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in Docket No. RM01-12-000 7.26 MB
Comment 02/20/2003, 8:11 AM
Motion for Leave to File Answer and Answer of the California ISO in Docket Nos. ER98-3760-008, et al. 102.57 KB
Motion 02/19/2003, 10:48 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER02-925-003 (SCE - TO Tariff Issue) 81.47 KB
Motion 02/07/2003, 12:41 PM
Report of the California ISO on the Aggregated Distributed Generation Pilot Project in Docket No. ER02-1651-000 86.02 KB
Report 02/07/2003, 10:35 AM
Motion to Intervene Out-of-Time of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-409-000 (PG&E - TO Tariff Issue) 72.31 KB
Motion 02/07/2003, 10:08 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-142-001 (SCE - TO Tariff Issue) 81.25 KB
Motion 02/07/2003, 10:01 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-418-000 (SDG&E - Market Based Rate Issue) 80.99 KB
Motion 02/07/2003, 9:58 AM
Reply Comments of the California ISO on Proposed Findings on California Refund Liability in Docket Nos. EL00-95-045, et al. 4.27 MB
Comment 02/03/2003, 4:56 PM
Presentation of Seams Steering Group Western Interconnection (SSGWI) to FERC on January 29, 2003 307.81 KB
Presentation 01/30/2003, 8:57 AM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-358-000 (PG&E - Agreements Issue) 81.62 KB
Motion 01/21/2003, 1:41 PM
Motion to Intervene Out-of-Time of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-31-000 (City of Vernon-TO Tariff Issue) 78.57 KB
Motion 01/17/2003, 3:33 PM
Motion to Intervene Out-of-Time of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-300-000 (PG&E -TO Tariff Issue) 71.87 KB
Motion 01/17/2003, 3:31 PM
Joint Response of ISO, California EOB &SDG&E to Motion for Leave to Answer of Duke Energy South Bay in Docket No. ER03-117-000 38.54 KB
Response 01/15/2003, 10:23 AM
Answer to Protests and to Request Hearing in Docket No. EC03-27-000 (TCA Issues between PG&E, SDG&E, SCE and Six Cities) 1.93 MB
Answer 01/14/2003, 3:51 PM
Comments of the California ISO on Proposed Findings on California Refund Liability in Docket Nos. EL00-95-045, et al. 2.53 MB
Comment 01/13/2003, 2:58 PM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-338-000 (SCE TO Tariff Issue) 81.20 KB
Motion 01/13/2003, 2:46 PM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-339-000 (SDG&E TO Tariff Issue) 81.34 KB
Motion 01/13/2003, 2:44 PM
Motion to Intervene of the California ISO in Docket No. ER03-353-000 (SDG&E TO Tariff Issue) 80.88 KB
Motion 01/13/2003, 2:41 PM
Motion to File Further Comments and Response to the Termoelectricia de Mexicalis Answer in Docket No. ER03-217 103.10 KB
Response 01/09/2003, 11:28 AM
Motion for Clarification of the California ISO in Docket No. ER02-250-000 (2002 GMC) 78.26 KB
Motion 01/07/2003, 3:54 PM
Joint Protest and Motion to Consolidate of the CAISO, CPUC and California EOB in Docket No. ER03-299-000 (PG&E RMR Issue) 113.90 KB
Motion 01/07/2003, 1:10 PM
No results
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