
Congestion revenue rights initiative - 2007

74 Documents

74 of 74 results
Title Type Posted
Technical Bulletin 2007-08-001: Existing Transmission Contracts, Converted Rights, and Eligibility for Allocation of CRRs 252.15 KB
Technical Bulletin 08/28/2007, 2:08 PM
CPUC Comments on CRR Tariff 164.83 KB
Comment 07/13/2007, 1:50 PM
PG&E Comments on CRR Tariff 86.40 KB
Comment 07/13/2007, 1:48 PM
AReM Comments on CRR Tariff 76.01 KB
Comment 07/13/2007, 1:46 PM
Draft Congestion Revenue Rights Tariff Language 127.00 KB
Tariff 07/02/2007, 4:34 PM
Presentation - Draft Final Proposals on CRRs 28-Jun-2007 46.21 KB
Presentation 06/28/2007, 12:25 PM
CAISO Draft Final Proposals on CRRs Covering Topics to be Filed in July 2007 209.72 KB
Proposal 06/26/2007, 12:06 PM
CAISO Responses to SCE Comments 123.83 KB
Response 06/20/2007, 10:46 AM
Near Final Draft CRR Credit Requirements Tariff Language 94.00 KB
Proposal 06/20/2007, 10:43 AM
Presentation - Modeling Transmission Outages in the CRR Network Model 102.49 KB
Presentation 06/14/2007, 8:55 AM
Presentation - Transfer of CRRs Associated with Load Migration 66.51 KB
Presentation 06/14/2007, 8:51 AM
Presentation - Ensuring Consistency Between LSE Load Forecasts for CRR and Resource Adequacy Purposes 45.17 KB
Presentation 06/14/2007, 8:48 AM
CAISO Straw Proposals on Topics for July 2007 Filing 148.53 KB
Proposal 06/08/2007, 7:50 AM
CPUC Comments on 18-May-2007 CRR Issues Paper 74.79 KB
Comment 06/06/2007, 1:36 PM
PG&E Comments on 18-May-2007 CRR Issues Paper 95.50 KB
Comment 06/06/2007, 1:33 PM
Azusa Comments on 18-May-2007 CRR Issues Paper 93.10 KB
Paper 06/06/2007, 1:31 PM
AReM Comments on 18-May-2007 CRR Issues Paper 116.57 KB
Comment 06/06/2007, 1:02 PM
SCE Comments on 18-May-2007 CRR Issue Paper 102.18 KB
Comment 06/06/2007, 12:39 PM
Draft CRR Credit Requirements Tariff Language 155.00 KB
Tariff 06/06/2007, 11:01 AM
Stakeholder Comment Template for 18-May-2007 CRR Issues Paper 66.00 KB
Form/Template 05/30/2007, 11:59 AM
Discussion of 18-May-2007 CRR Issues Paper 56.05 KB
Comment 05/29/2007, 8:43 AM
CAISO CRR Credit Policy - 14-May-2007 (Revised, Red-lined) 237.75 KB
Paper 05/21/2007, 12:27 PM
CAISO CRR Credit Policy - 14-May-2007 (Revised) 226.44 KB
Paper 05/21/2007, 12:26 PM
CAISO CRR Credit Policy - 14-May-2007 171.01 KB
Paper 05/14/2007, 10:22 PM
Presentation - CRR Credit Policy - 2-May-2007 205.77 KB
Presentation 05/02/2007, 4:12 PM
CAISO Straw Proposal for CRR Credit Policy - 27-Apr-2007 348.05 KB
Proposal 04/30/2007, 4:14 PM
Draft CRR Tariff Language 204.50 KB
Tariff 04/27/2007, 2:15 PM
TMCC CRR Presentation 218.53 KB
Presentation 04/26/2007, 4:50 PM
TMCC Outage Modeling Presentation 181.26 KB
Presentation 04/26/2007, 4:49 PM
SWP Comments on CRR Issues -- 11-Apr-2007 104.32 KB
Comment 04/18/2007, 2:37 PM
Presentation - Final ISO Proposal on Tariff Changes to Enhance Rules for the Release of CRRs - 12-Apr-2007 82.87 KB
Presentation 04/12/2007, 9:22 AM
Sempra Energy Solutions Comments on CRR -- 06-Apr-2007 444.76 KB
Comment 04/11/2007, 3:24 PM
SDGE Comments on CRRs -- 06-Apr-2007 94.99 KB
Comment 04/11/2007, 3:21 PM
City of Riverside Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 36.66 KB
Comment 04/11/2007, 3:19 PM
PGE Comments on CRR -- 09-Apr-2007 110.40 KB
Comment 04/11/2007, 3:16 PM
NCPA Comments on CRR -- 06-Apr-2007 97.97 KB
Comment 04/11/2007, 3:14 PM
CPUC Comments on CRRs --10-Apr-2007 86.46 KB
Comment 04/11/2007, 3:12 PM
AReM Comments on CRR -- 06-Apr-2007 86.87 KB
Comment 04/11/2007, 3:09 PM
SCE Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 79.94 KB
Comment 04/09/2007, 3:29 PM
WPTF Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 38.28 KB
Comment 04/09/2007, 10:02 AM
TEMU Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 69.00 KB
Comment 04/09/2007, 9:43 AM
Powerex Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 138.55 KB
Comment 04/09/2007, 9:36 AM
MWDSC Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 72.74 KB
Comment 04/09/2007, 9:34 AM
FPL Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 62.46 KB
Comment 04/09/2007, 9:31 AM
EPIC Comments on CRR -- 05-Apr-2007 61.07 KB
Comment 04/09/2007, 9:25 AM
CAISO Proposed Policy for Methodology for Determining CRR for Merchant Transmission Upgrades 107.09 KB
Proposal 04/06/2007, 12:14 PM
Presentation - CRR for Merchant Transmission Upgrades -- 3-Apr-2007 54.02 KB
Presentation 04/03/2007, 9:40 AM
Presentation - CRR Credit Policy -- 3-Apr-2007 125.15 KB
Presentation 04/03/2007, 9:37 AM
Presentation - CRR Allocation Rules: Resolution of Open Issues -- 3-Apr-2007 46.57 KB
Presentation 04/03/2007, 9:23 AM
Presentation - Review of Agenda for CRR Issues Review -- 3-Apr-2007 64.55 KB
Presentation 04/03/2007, 9:19 AM
CRR Dry Run Report to FERC 30-Mar-2007 5.84 MB
Report 04/02/2007, 5:18 PM
Presentation - Methodology for Determining CRRs for Merchant Transmission Upgrades 50.10 KB
Presentation 03/29/2007, 1:00 PM
Presentation - CRR Credit Policy 27-Mar-2007 108.93 KB
Presentation 03/26/2007, 3:31 PM
Methodology for Determining CRRs for Merchant Transmission Upgrades 121.42 KB
03/23/2007, 1:09 PM
CRR Credit Policy 20-Mar-2007 118.09 KB
Policy 03/20/2007, 11:28 AM
Updated CRR Issues Paper 19-Mar-2007 189.27 KB
Paper 03/19/2007, 9:24 PM
SVP Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 53.22 KB
Comment 03/13/2007, 4:08 PM
WPTF Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 50.88 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:33 PM
SMUD Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 66.88 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:31 PM
Powerex Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 58.10 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:28 PM
SES Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 83.26 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:26 PM
PGE Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 77.54 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:24 PM
SCE Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 109.39 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:22 PM
EUF Comment on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 58.08 KB
Paper 03/12/2007, 4:20 PM
CDWR Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 75.65 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:18 PM
AReM Comments on 21-Feb-2007 CRR Issues Paper 90.57 KB
Comment 03/12/2007, 4:15 PM
Presentation - Potential Changes to CRR Rules and Outstanding CRR Process Issue Framing 206.19 KB
Presentation 02/27/2007, 9:59 AM
Presentation - FERC Filing on Implementation Features 42.11 KB
Presentation 02/27/2007, 9:56 AM
Presentation - CRR Dry Run Results 59.28 KB
Presentation 02/27/2007, 9:52 AM
Presentation - Set-aside of Import Capacity on each Inter-tie for CRR Auction 45.15 KB
Presentation 02/27/2007, 9:46 AM
Presentation - Modeling of Transmission Outages for the CRR Allocation and Auction Process during Production 69.92 KB
Presentation 02/27/2007, 9:42 AM
CRR Issues Paper: Preliminary Summary of CRR Dry Run Results, Potential CRR Rule Changes, Outstanding CRR Process Issues 277.30 KB
Paper 02/22/2007, 7:32 AM
Previously Posted White Paper on CRR Allocation for Merchant Transmission Upgrades 175.11 KB
Paper 02/21/2007, 3:41 PM
LECG White Paper on CRR Credit Requirements 176.28 KB
Paper 02/21/2007, 3:35 PM
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