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  • Non-generator resources in ancillary services market
    This stakeholder initiative is for compliance with FERC Order Nos. 719 and 890. FERC Order No. 719, Wholesale Competition in Regions with Organized Electric Markets, directs Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs) to allow demand response resources to participate in Ancillary Service (AS) Markets assuming the demand response resources are technically capable of providing the ancillary service within response times and other reasonable requirements adopted by the RTO or ISO. FERC Order No. 890, Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, requires that non-generation resources such as demand response must be evaluated on a comparable basis to services provided by generation resources in meeting mandatory reliability standards, providing ancillary services and planning the expansion of the transmission grid.
    • Outcome
      Board of Governors approval: Mar. 25, 2010
    • Non-generator resources in ancillary services market - papers and proposals