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  • Circular scheduling
    Circular scheduling occurs when the power scheduled for export from the source balancing authority returns back to the original scheduled import point and no power actually flows (source and sink remain the same). A market participant can unduly profit from this practice while creating potential operational issues arising from a mismatch between scheduled versus actual flows. Following stakeholder discussion, the ISO will consider clarifying existing market rules.
    • Outcome
      Through this initiative the ISO considered developing an automated system for detecting circular scheduling behavior. Over the past year the levels of circular schedules have not warranted the continued investment in developing an automated system. Therefore, the ISO has cancelled the initiative and will continue manual validation of circular schedules. — FERC approval: Jan 30, 2013; Tariff amendment filing: Nov 21, 2012 (ER13-449); Board of Governors approval: Mar 22, 2012
    • Circular scheduling - papers and proposals