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  • Market performance reports
    • Daily wind and solar curtailment reports
      This report provides market participants with hourly and daily (7 day running) wind and solar curtailments in MWh (total energy) and MW (maximum magnitude) by curtailment types. This data is preliminary and subject to change without notice. While every attempt is made to ensure these reports are complete and accurate, the data is not settlement quality.
    • Wind and solar daily market watch reports
      This report provides Market Participants with hourly variable energy resources forecasts and schedules to facilitate dissemination of the information in a timely manner. While every attempt is made to ensure these reports are complete and accurate, the data should be considered preliminary and are subject to change without notice.
    • Real-time daily market watch reports
      This report provides Market Participants with selected metrics on market performance to facilitate dissemination of market information in a timely manner. This data is preliminary and subject to change without notice. While every attempt is made to ensure these reports are complete and accurate, the data is not settlement quality.
    • Monthly market performance reports
      This report provides Market Participants with a monthly summary of market performance of the day-ahead and real-time markets.
    • Market performance metric catalog
      The catalog is a companion document to the monthly Market Performance Report. It comprises a collection of all metrics generated for potential use in the monthly report with a detailed discussion of the source data and method of aggregation where needed. This document is revised frequently.
    • Bi-weekly market performance reports
      This report provides Market Participants with a two-week overview and statistics on day-ahead and real-time market prices.
    • Full network model accuracy metric
      California ISO's full network model accuracy metric is updated daily and provides analysis of ISO's ability to model in the ISO market unscheduled flows from balancing areas outside the ISO.
    • Day-ahead daily market watch and summer reports
      This report provides Market Participants with selected metrics on market performance to facilitate dissemination of market information in a timely manner. This data is preliminary and subject to change without notice. While every attempt is made to ensure these reports are complete and accurate, the data is not settlement quality.
    • Daily market watch metric catalogs
      These catalogs provide descriptions of all graphs published in the real-time and day-ahead daily market watch reports for each trading day.
    • Daily energy storage reports
      This report provides market participants with selected metrics on performance of storage and hybrid resources, including bid-in capacity, awards, state of charge and procurement of ancillary services for both day-ahead and real-time markets, to facilitate dissemination of market information in a timely manner. This data is preliminary and subject to change without notice. While every attempt is made to ensure these reports are complete and accurate, the data is not settlement quality.
    • Ancillary services scarcity reports
      This report presents details and financial impacts of scarcity events that occurred and fulfills the requirement in Tariff Section that the ISO review the scarcity pricing mechanism every three years.