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  • Self-schedules bid cost recovery allocation and bid floor
    This initiative considers lowering the bid price floor and removing the exemption from day-ahead bid cost recovery allocation for load served by self-scheduled generation. These modifications will more accurately represent ISO market costs and allocate them based on cost-causation. They will also provide greater incentive for economic bidding and allow the market to more efficiently address over-supply conditions, which will be increasingly important as the resource fleet reaches a 50% renewable portfolio standard.
    • Outcome
      The ISO closed this initiative because it determined that because the market only rarely runs out of decremental bids, and the benefits of lowering the bid floor did not justify the potential adverse market impacts. The ISO will re-examine lowering the bid floor if it begins to run out of decremental bids in a significant amount. The self-schedules bid cost recovery allocation topic was moved to the Bid Cost Recovery Enhancements initiative.
    • Self-schedules bid cost recovery allocation and bid floor - papers and proposals
    • Comments on addendum to draft final proposal
    • Comments on draft final proposal