
Amendment 27 Docket No. ER00-2019-000 (TAC)

38 Documents

38 of 38 results
Title Type Posted
January 14, 2008 Answer to City of Vernon's Motion to Strike in Docket Nos. EL00-105 and ER00-2019 (Amendment 27) 128.90 KB
Answer 01/15/2008, 10:06 AM
December 13, 2007 Answer of the City of Vernon's Answer to Motion in Docket Nos. EL00-105-009, ER00-2019-018 (A. 27 - TAC) 195.66 KB
Answer 12/13/2007, 2:52 PM
November 13, 2007 Motion for Order on Remand Authorizing Adjustment of Rates & Refunds, etc. in Docket Nos. ER00-2019, et al. 423.84 KB
Motion 11/13/2007, 2:27 PM
Motion for Leave to File Answer and Answer to Protests of the California ISO 21.21 KB
Motion 08/10/2005, 4:45 PM
California ISO Compliance Filing in Docket No. ER00-2019, et al. (Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 564.82 KB
Filing 07/05/2005, 3:42 PM
Answer of the Motion to Strike of the California ISO in Docket Nos. EL00-105-007, et al. (Amendment No. 27) 13.34 KB
Answer 03/21/2005, 3:27 PM
Motion for Leave to File Answer and Answer of the California ISO in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-015, et al. (Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 25.44 KB
Motion 02/08/2005, 10:01 AM
Brief on Exceptions of the California ISO in Docket No. EL00-105-007, et al. (Amendment No. 27) 36.88 KB
01/31/2005, 1:56 PM
Opinion Affirming in Part and Reversing in Part Initial Decisionin Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006 (Amendment No. 27) 615.83 KB
Decision 01/11/2005, 4:08 PM
Reply Brief of the California ISO in Docket Nos. EL00-105-007, et al. ( 42.96 KB
11/29/2004, 12:31 PM
Proposed Findings of Fact in Docket Nos. EL00-105-007, et al. (Amendment No. 27) 12.89 KB
10/28/2004, 9:09 AM
Initial Brief of the California ISO in Docket Nos. EL00-105-007, et al. (Transmission Revenue Requirements) 45.22 KB
Filing 10/25/2004, 4:54 PM
Answer to Motion to Reopen Record of the CDWR in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006, et al. (Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 35.75 KB
Answer 08/12/2004, 8:28 AM
Motion for Leave to File Answer and Answer of the California ISO in Docket No. ER00-2019-016, et al. (Amendment No. 27) 655.41 KB
Motion 05/21/2004, 3:24 PM
Brief on Exceptions of the California ISO in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006, et al. (California ISO/Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 234.91 KB
04/29/2004, 4:19 PM
Motion of the California ISO to Strike Portions of the Brief in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006, et al. (Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 20.85 KB
Motion 04/22/2004, 3:13 PM
Initial Decision in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006, et al. (California ISO/Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 636.00 KB
Decision 03/10/2004, 4:36 PM
Amendment to the California ISO Tariff to provide for a new, 2.28 MB
Amendment 03/09/2004, 4:06 PM
Request for Modification of accepting stipulation regarding 102.66 KB
02/10/2004, 8:56 AM
Initial Brief of the California ISO in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006, et al. (California ISO/TAC) 4.11 MB
12/17/2003, 3:59 PM
Brief of the California ISO Opposing Exceptions in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-013, et al. (California ISO/TAC) 726.15 KB
12/10/2003, 3:18 PM
Answer of the California ISO to Emergency Motion in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-013, et al. (California ISO) 89.60 KB
Answer 12/05/2003, 3:42 PM
Joint Motion to Reject Offer of Proof in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-013, et al. (California ISO) 103.22 KB
Motion 12/05/2003, 3:37 PM
Summary of the Prepared Direct Testimony of Deborah A. Le Vine in Docket No. ER00-2019-000 (Amendment 27 - TAC) 124.95 KB
10/15/2003, 8:53 AM
Motion to Strike Testimony of the California Department of Water Resources in Docket No. ER00-2019-000 (Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 1.11 MB
Motion 10/14/2003, 2:58 PM
Testimony of Lonnie Rush and the Prepared Rebuttal Testimony of Keith Casey in Docket No. ER00-2019 (TAC) 2.37 MB
09/10/2003, 2:37 PM
Motion for Leave to File Answer and Answer Regarding Compliance Filing in Docket No. ER00-2019-001 (Amendment No. 27) 15.67 KB
Motion 09/08/2003, 3:28 PM
Motion to Strike Testimony of the Transmission Agency of Northern California in Docket No. ER00-2019-006 (Amendment 27) 234.03 KB
Motion 08/28/2003, 1:57 PM
Reqs. for Rehearing & Clarification or, in the Alternative, Motion for Clar. of ISO in Docket No. ER00-2019-000 (Amendment 27) 565.49 KB
Motion 08/11/2003, 3:02 PM
California ISOs Filing in Compliance with FERCs July 10, 2003 Order in Docket No. ER00-2019-000, et al. (Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 433.15 KB
Filing 07/28/2003, 9:12 AM
California ISOs Answer to Motions Regarding Scope of Proceeding in Docket No. ER00-2019-000 (Amendment No. 27 - TAC) 21.40 KB
Answer 07/11/2003, 12:28 PM
California ISOs Motion for Determination of Scope of Proceeding in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006, et al. 2.70 MB
Motion 07/02/2003, 4:14 PM
California ISOs Motion for Reasonable Limitations on Discovery in Docket No. ER00-2019-000 (Amendment No. 27) 1.78 MB
Motion 04/24/2003, 2:41 PM
Answer to the Motion of the City of Vernon for Leave to File Interlocutory Appeal in Docket Nos. ER00-2019 - TAC 103.09 KB
Answer 01/15/2003, 10:34 AM
Joint Proposed Procedural Schedule in Docket Nos. ER00-2019-006 and ER01-819-002 (Amendment 27 & 34) 84.13 KB
12/16/2002, 2:31 PM
Answer to Comments, Mots. for Clar., Mots. to Reject Filing in Part, & Protests in Docket No. ER00-2019-002 (Amendment 27) 36.03 KB
Answer 09/11/2000, 2:20 PM
Answer to Motions to Intervene, Motions to Reject, Comments, Requests for Hearings, and Protests in Docket No. ER00-2019(A 27) 224.52 KB
Answer 05/09/2000, 9:54 AM
Revised Tariff Sheets 121 - 189 in Docket No. ER00-2019-000 (Amendment 27) 182.10 KB
Amendment 05/09/2000, 9:47 AM
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