Today's Outlook: Supply

Grid Status

--,--- MW
Current demand
--,--- MW
Current renewables
--- MW
Current hybrids
--,--- MW
Current solar
--,--- MW
Current wind
Hybrids serving demand

Energy in megawatts broken down by resource in 5-minute increments.

Energy in megawatts broken down by renewable resource in 5-minute increments.

Energy in megawatts broken down by hybrid resource in 5-minute increments.

Energy in megawatts in 5-minute increments. Displays stand-alone battery storage and some hybrids, including renewable components, wind and solar.

Unspecified imported energy, in megawatts, scheduled for delivery within the ISO balancing authority.

Today’s Outlook charts are designed to summarize forecasts and actual loads. The demand and net demand trend data do not include dispatchable pump loads or battery storage that is charging on the system. This data is for informational purposes only, and should not be used for determining actual billing values or operational planning.

Data is subject to change without notice.
For official data, visit OASIS. For official emissions data, visit CARB.