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Contingency dispatch enhancements

The ISO proposes to give dispatch priority during a disturbance control standard event to energy bids from resources providing operating reserves. Currently, the ISO dispatches energy in economic order and observes that resources providing operating reserves respond more accurately and quickly than energy-only resources. The proposed change reduces the risk of not recovering from a disturbance event due to insufficient response.



The ISO deployed the system changes necessary to incorporate the real-time disturbance dispatch enhancements in our real-time contingency dispatch process in December 2012. This new module allows the ISO to respond more quickly to large-scale system events and better ensure compliance with the NERC reliability standard on disturbance control performance.

Initiative status

Implementation: March 18, 2013
FERC approval: March 18, 2013
Tariff amendment filing: October 10, 2012
Board of Governors approval: May 16, 2012


Tariff development

Policy development