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​Generator contingency and remedial action scheme modeling

This initiative focuses on required enhancements to the day ahead and real time markets to support generator contingencies. The final proposal should result in an economic dispatch that will respect all emergency limits after the loss of a generating unit alone or due to remedial action scheme operation without the need for out-of-market intervention.


Effective March 1, 2019, the ISO transitioned to a more efficient and reliable generation dispatch by using the latest available information within the security-constrained economic dispatch. This transition more closely aligns market dispatch and prices with actual operations and allows prices received by generators to more accurately reflect their contribution to congestion under a dispatch that is secure against generator contingencies and remedial action scheme operations.

Initiative status

Implemented: March 1, 2019
FERC approval: February 28, 2019
Tariff amendment filing: November 16, 2018
Board of Governors approval: September 19, 2017


Market notices

FERC filings and orders

Decisional classification

Tariff development

Policy development