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Multi-stage generating unit modeling

The California ISO is developing software functionality for modeling multi-stage generating units, such as combined cycle generating plants. These units pose particular challenges with modeling and dispatch because they have multiple configurations in which they can operate and forbidden regions in which they cannot operate. The ISO seeks to review with stakeholders the key policy issues that arise with modeling these units, and to maintain an open dialog as implementation of the multi-stage generating functionality goes forward. The ISO is developing rules for the transition costs specified in the multi-stage generating transition matrix. These mitigation rules to balance flexibility and prevent economic withholding are part of the Bidding and Mitigation of Commitment Costs stakeholder initiative.


Board of Governors approval: May 18, 2009
FERC Order: July 30, 2010
Implemented: December 6, 2010

The ISO activated multi-stage generator modeling that optimizes the commitment and dispatch of generating units that have multiple operating configurations. There are 17 multi-stage generator modeling resources to the market.

Policy development

Tariff development

FERC orders and filings


The ISO is reinstating the forbidden operating region functionality in the real-time market for the interim period because the implementation timeline of MSG unit modeling was moved from April to October of 2010.