Metering and telemetry

Accurate metering of electricity generated or consumed provides key data inputs for precise settlement calculations. The use of telemetry to directly measure a generator or load participant allows the ISO to manage and monitor power generation in real-time. Metering and telemetry are mandatory tools for ensuring accurate revenue accounting and ISO operational visibility.


Operating procedures - 5700 metering process

Meter data represents the energy generated or consumed during a settlement interval. The ISO, ISO metered entities, and scheduling coordinator metered entities follow prescribed processes and procedures to ensure the data is settlement quality. These procedures complement, but do not replace, section 10 of the ISO Tariff and Business Practice Manual for Metering.

Access the 5700 - metering process operating procedures

Meter installation, inspection, and certification

Approved meters, installation, and inspection companies

An ISO metered entity seeking certification of its metering facilities is required to independently engage an ISO authorized inspector to perform the inspection, and request the ISO to perform the certification. It is the responsibility of the metered entity to ensure the inspector it engages is ISO authorized at the time of inspection.

Metering documentation guidelines

The metered entity provides schematics of the metering installation being considered for ISO certification. Such drawings must be dated, bear the current drawing revision number and show all wiring, connections and devices in the circuits.

Station power program

Station power — the energy used to operate auxiliary equipment and other load that is directly related to the production of energy — can be converted from retail service to wholesale service.

Meter data submission

Qualified reporting entity

The role of the qualified reporting entity (QRE) is to submit meter data associated with renewable energy on behalf of ISO metered entities (ISO polled) using the WREGIS application. The generator owner/agent needs to complete, sign, and submit original hard copies of the service request form and service agreement to begin the QRE process with the ISO.

Settlement quality meter data (SQMD)

Scheduling coordinator (SC) metered entities are required to submit Settlement quality meter data (SQMD) plans. The documents below contain technical information and supporting documentation for SC metered entities.

Settlement quality meter data plan affirmation and scheduling coordinator self audit attestation

Scheduling coordinators must annually complete a self-audit of settlement quality meter data (SQMD) processes. This requires examining meter data processes to demonstrate appropriate controls for accurate reporting.


Generating units and load participants must establish and maintain a data processing gateway between plant facilities and the ISO energy management system for the purpose of generation control and monitoring. 

The ISO requires direct telemetry of participating generators and load.  For those generating units providing regulation energy, a remote intelligent gateway (RIG) is required.  For resources providing non-regulation ancillary services or supplemental energy, a data processing gateway (DPG) or other ISO-approved technology must be used. 

Remote intelligent gateway testing and validation

The ISO has overall responsibility for validating real-time data collected through direct telemetry. The ISO executes this responsibility partially through requirements placed on the ISO participating generator which may include responsibilities satisfied by the resource’s scheduling coordinator. The documents below contain information for remote intelligent gateway (RIG) testing.

RIG certification

Required information and technical guidelines for direct telemetry.


The ISO requires information on the 24-hour contact sheet to contact the Generating Facility when there are telemetry issues.

Telemetry exemptions

The ISO has the authority to grant exemptions from certain ISO telemetry standards. An ISO participating generator must provide all required documentation in order to submit a request for a telemetry exemption.

Documents required for participation

Please provide required information to initiate certification, meter service and network connectivity agreements early in the process. Direct telemetry facilities for participating generators, participating loads, Proxy demand resources must establish the contractual agreements to participate.

Fieldwork support requests

The Energy Data Acquisition Systems group provides fieldwork scheduling and support by appointment.

View the Fieldwork support request form

Related application(s) and access


View how to install a certificate for a Remote Intelligent Gateway (RIG), Data Processing Gateway (DPG) or Inter Control Center Protocol (ICCP) and establish Energy Communications Network (ECN) connectivity.


View the Market Results Interface - Settlements (MRI-S) user guide on the application page.

Related ISO Tariff and Business Practice Manuals

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