Legal policies and incorporation

The ISO provides public notice of certain information as required legally and by ISO policies including alternative dispute resolution, government information requests, corporate records and open meetings.

Independent municipal advisor exemption

The ISO has retained Sperry Capital, Inc. as our independent registered municipal advisor in accordance with the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule. Sperry Capital will provide us advice on proposals from financial services firms regarding issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products (including investments of bond proceeds and escrow investments). This notice may be relied upon until July 1, 2023.

Dispute policies

The settlement dispute process is detailed in the ISO Tariff Section 11 and the Business Practice Manual for Settlements and Billing.

Alternate dispute resolution

Most disputes under the tariff or agreements with the ISO are subject to the alternative dispute resolution procedure in Section 13 of the tariff. The first step in that procedure is negotiation under Section 13.2.1, sometimes known as good faith negotiations (GFN). If a dispute is not resolved through negotiations, a party may submit a Statement of Claim to commence further proceedings.

Matters on appeal

The ISO posts notices of appeal for alternative dispute resolution matters, summarizes the claim and arbitration award for each matter on appeal, and contains the awards to the extent they have become publicly available.


View previous matters on appeals

Matters in alternative dispute resolution

The ISO posts information about claims currently in alternative dispute resolution, including a statement of claim summary, notices of demand for arbitration, identity of any additional participants and their petitions to intervene.


View previous matters in alternative dispute resolution

ISO Incorporation

The ISO is a nonprofit public benefit corporation operating under these bylaws, incorporation documents and enabling legislation. Our employees and the Board of Governors are subject to clear and well defined codes of conduct and policies.

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