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​ISO Interconnection agreement and queue management

After a resource has completed the study phases of the interconnection process the interconnection customer must sign contracts, install metering and telemetry equipment and ISO must model the resource in market systems before participation in the wholesale power market is allowed. This also applies to Demand Response resources that have completed the process of registering and requesting a customer resource ID.

​Agreements and queue management presentation

Agreements and queue management
As a resource owner, your organization must enter into contracts with the ISO to connect into the electricity grid. This presentation discusses Contracts and documents required by the ISO, the negotiation process, queue management, monitoring and reporting of project progress, and the process for managing project changes.

​Queue management reports



Process and requirements

Contract development

To participate in the market, generators must enter into a Generator Interconnection Agreement (GIA), Participating Generator Agreement (PGA), and a Meter Service Agreement (MSA) with the ISO. For additional information on contract development, please email

New Resource Implementation process and requirements

Generator modeling

generator conversion graphic


​Project development

Information for project development activities pre-Initial Synchronization and Commercial Operation Date (COD), including annual transmission plan deliverability affidavits, requesting changes, and affected systems information.
  • Queue management status reports
    Customers with effective generator interconnection agreements are required to provide status reports on a quarterly basis until they commence construction, when reports are required monthly.
  • Affected systems
    Interconnection customers must provide documentation to the ISO six months prior to generator initial synchronization date confirming that identified affected system operators have been contacted and that any system reliability impacts have been addressed.
  • Energy storage meter considerations
    The ISO and CPUC have various metering requirements for energy storage resources that are connecting to the grid that should be considered in the meter design phase of the project. As an example, the CPUC requirements require retail metering for station service if the battery is not charging or discharging.
  • Transmission plan deliverability allocation information
    Generating facilities requesting full or partial capacity deliverability status must submit affidavits annually for the transmission plan deliverability allocation process. Dates and details are provided via market notice.
  • Modification assessments
    The ISO evaluates a variety of modification requests for interconnection customers’ generator projects with the Material Modification Assessment process. The modification process is described in the BPM for Generator Management.
  • Interconnection request and technical data forms
    To submit a new interconnection request or update an existing interconnection request, use the Interconnection Request (Appendix 1) Microsoft Word template and the Generating Facility Data (Attachment A to Appendix 1) Microsoft Excel spreadsheet -- both documents are required. Sample completed templates for both document types are available for reference.