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​ISO Interconnection study

Interconnection studies evaluate proposed interconnections with the ISO grid and are performed based upon the ISO tariff and in coordination with the applicable participating transmission owners. They include study reports, resource adequacy deliverability studies and options, impacts on affected (neighboring) systems, and the relationship between generation interconnection and the ISOs transmission planning process.

Interconnection study informational presentations

Interconnection timeline and study process 
Learn what to anticipate during the interconnection process, including an overview of timing, what to expect from joint meetings, requirements for posting financial security, and the impacts of a withdrawal on refunds.

Studies, study results, and project cost responsibility
Understand the study reports, resource adequacy deliverability studies and options, impacts on affected (neighboring) systems, and the relationship between generation interconnection and the ISO transmission planning process.
Suggested audience: Transmission-level interconnected facilities, distribution-level interconnected facilities, QF conversions, repowering facilities, and capacity increases

Generator interconnection queue and online resource information

Process and requirements

The ISO operates under the terms and conditions of its FERC-approved tariff. Business practice manuals (BPMs) provide detailed rules, procedures and examples for the administration, operation, planning and accounting requirements of the ISO and the market that are consistent with the ISO tariff. The resources below provide additional information about the ISO interconnection process and procedures.

Interconnection study forms

  • Interconnection request and technical data forms
    To submit a new interconnection request or update an existing interconnection request, use the Interconnection Request (Appendix 1) Microsoft Word template and the Generating Facility Data (Attachment A to Appendix 1) Microsoft Excel spreadsheet -- both documents are required. Sample completed templates for both document types are available for reference.
  • Participating transmission owner financial security instruments
    Use our standardized forms to post Interconnection Financial Security with the applicable Participating Transmission Owner.
  • Transmission plan deliverability allocation information
    Generating facilities requesting full or partial capacity deliverability status must submit affidavits annually for the transmission plan deliverability allocation process. Dates and details are provided via market notice.

Interconnection study resources

  • Participating transmission owner per unit costs
    Learn the anticipated costs of procuring and installing facilities required to interconnect Generation to the applicable Participating Transmission Owner.
  • Generator interconnection technical bulletins
    Use of technical bulletins is subject to the ISO website Terms of Use.
  • Deliverability for distributed generation - studies and reports
    Understand the process for requesting deliverability for distributed generation facilities.
  • Docusign

After the study phase 

Contracts must be signed, the resource must be modeled in the ISO market systems, and metering and telemetry equipment will need to be installed.