The California ISO has posted to its website a list of project sponsors for the North of Songs - Serrano 500kV Transmission Line, Sequence 3, Project whose project sponsor applications satisfy the information submission requirements and have been qualified for the Transmission Planning Process, Phase 3 Competitive Solicitation process. The list of project sponsors is available on the process webpage.
Pursuant to section 24.5.3 of the ISO Tariff, the ISO has qualified five project sponsor proposals for the transmission solution. The ISO qualified the project sponsors and proposals based on the criteria as set forth in tariff sections - Project Sponsor Qualification and - Proposal Qualification in the ISO Tariff. The ISO will now determine through the selection process the qualified project sponsor to finance, construct, own, operate and maintain the North of Song - Serrano 500kV Transmission Line Project.
More information on the 2022-2023 transmission planning process is available on the process webpage linked above. |