November 30, 2015
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Market Rules and Market Design
Settlements and Market Clearing
Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources Stakeholder Initiative Schedule Modification
The California ISO has modified its schedule for policy resolution of the issues in the 2015 scope, phase 1, of the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources initiative. A presentation of the proposals will be deferred from the December Board of Governors meeting to a subsequent meeting.
Main Text
Enhancing the ability of transmission grid-connected storage and distribution-connected resources to participate in the ISO market is the central focus of the ISO's Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources initiative.
The 2015 scope of the initiative, also referred to as Phase 1, comprises three topic areas:
1) |
enhancements to the ISO non-generator resources market participation model |
2) |
enhancements to demand response performance measures and statistical sampling for the ISO proxy demand resource and reliability demand response resource market participation models |
3) |
clarifications to rules for non-resource adequacy multiple-use applications (provision of retail, distribution and wholesale service by the same resource) |
On November 9, 2015 a stakeholder web conference was held discussing the draft final proposal on these topics and written stakeholder comments were received during the week of November 16. Based on stakeholder comments, the ISO determined that it would be beneficial to continue working with stakeholders on topic 2 - the proposed demand response performance measures, specifically its proposal for a metering generator output performance evaluation methodology. To initiate additional stakeholder consultation, the ISO anticipates issuing a revised draft final proposal on topic 2 - proposed enhancements to demand response performance measures and statistical sampling. The proposal may also include a discussion of potential tariff changes to implement the proposed enhancements to the non-generator resources model - topic 1. Topic 3 is deemed complete.
A presentation of the proposals for the Phase 1 topics will be deferred from the December Board of Governors meeting to a subsequent meeting.
A subsequent market notice will be issued when the revised draft final proposal is published.
More information on this initiative is available at
For More Information Contact
Tom Flynn at or 916-608-5725
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