Market Notice
June 26, 2015
Requested Client Action Request for Comment |
Grid Operation
Market Rules and Market Design
Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources Revised Scope and Schedule Posted
The California ISO posted a revised scope and schedule for the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources initiative. Please submit comments by close of business July 2.
Main Text
The ISO posted a revised scope and schedule for the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources initiative to its website at This initiative is focused on enhancing the market participation of energy storage connected directly to the ISO grid and distributed energy resources such as rooftop solar, energy storage, plug-in electric vehicles, and demand response connected to the distribution system. The ISO developed the revised scope and schedule based on stakeholder written comments. The scope includes one set of issues to be addressed in 2015 and a second set addressed in 2016 and beyond.
Although the ISO will not hold a stakeholder call on the revised scope and schedule, stakeholders are requested to submit written comments to by close of business on July 2.
Please note that the ISO has shortened the name of the initiative by dropping the term "aggregated" in favor of the more inclusive term "distributed energy resources". Despite this name change, aggregated distributed energy resources are still a focus of the initiative.
More information on this initiative is available at
For More Information Contact
Tom Flynn at or 916-608-5725
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