The California ISO recognizes gas operations and management may differ across the west and understands more discussion is warranted to ensure gas-fired resources can fully participate in the ISO administered markets and can recover their operational costs. The ISO is actively seeking stakeholder input and perspectives on the guiding principles, key topics, and problem statements to help shape and inform the upcoming gas resource management working group meetings. Stakeholder input received by end of day July 24, 2023, will be coalesced and used to help advance the discussion at the first Gas Resource Management working group meeting on July 27, 2023.
These working group meetings are intended to help solidify identified issues, create common understanding, scope and prioritize issues, and help determine and shape next steps for possible market enhancements. Stakeholders will have amble opportunity to build on their initial discussion items and issues in subsequent working group meetings.
If your organization would like to propose specific topics to be discussed, or is interested in presenting in future Gas Resource Management working group meetings, please provide comments by end of day July 24 through the ISO’s commenting tool, using the template available on the Gas Resource Management Working Group webpage.
Working group materials will be posted to the initiative webpage linked above prior to the meeting.
The working group meetings will be recorded and the video files posted on the initiative webpage for a limited time. The recordings are for informational convenience purposes only, and any related transcriptions should not be reprinted without the ISO’s permission.
Meeting details
Date: July 27, 2023
Time: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Pacific Time
Add to calendar
Participation information
Step 1: join web conference
Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number
Audio only participation: call 1-888-251-2949 or 215-861-0694, access code: 5925413#
Technical support: call 301-250-7202 |