June 16, 2015
Requested Client Action Information Only |
Grid Operation
Market Rules and Market Design
Settlements and Market Clearing
Postponed: Energy Storage and Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources Posting
The California ISO has postponed posting the revised scope and schedule for the Energy Storage and Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources initiative. The revised scope and schedule is expected to be posted before the end of the month.
Main Text
The ISO has postponed posting the revised scope and schedule for the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources initiative, which was originally planned to post June 10, 2015. The delay provides the ISO further time to evaluate stakeholder comments.
The ISO will issue a market notice announcing the posting of the revised scope and schedule which is expected to be available before the end of the month.
More information on the initiative is available at
For More Information Contact
Tom Flynn at or 916-608-5725
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