The California ISO has posted a revised Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM) draft final proposal for the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) Governance Review Phase 3 initiative. The revised draft final proposal reflects changes to sections VI - Clarifying CAISO’s Responsibility to Consider the Interests of Regional Stakeholders (see pg. 44-45) and VIII - Summary of Recommendations (see pg. 50).
The WEIM Governance Review Committee (GRC) has also scheduled a virtual general session meeting on Jan. 9, 2023, to discuss its revised draft final proposal. During this meeting, the GRC will take final stakeholder comment and then vote on whether to approve and submit the final proposal to the ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body for decision at their joint meeting in February 2023.
The final meeting agenda and materials will be available prior to January 9 on the WEIM GRC webpage. The revised draft final proposal and other related information is available on the WEIM Governance Review initiative webpage.
This meeting will be recorded and the video file posted on the initiative webpage for a limited time. The recording is informational and convenience purposes only, and any related transcriptions should not be reprinted without the ISO’s permission.
WEIM Governance Review Committee - general session
Meeting details
Date: Jan. 9, 2023
Time: 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time
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