July 11, 2022
Information Only
2023 import capability assignment process steps 6 and 7

The California ISO assigns import capability to load serving entities through their respective scheduling coordinators for compliance with resource adequacy (RA) requirements for 2023 through a multi-step process under ISO Tariff Section The ISO has completed Steps 6 and 7.


Step 6 Requirement

The ISO has posted these documents, Step 6 - 2023 Assigned and Unassigned RA Import Capability on Branch Groups and Step 6 - 2023 Contractual Data, to the Reliability Requirements webpage, under "2023 Import allocations" heading, containing the following information:

  • Total import capability
  • Quantity in megawatt (MW) of existing contracts and transmission ownership rights assigned to each branch group
  • Aggregate quantity in MW of pre-resource adequacy import commitments assigned to each branch group and the holders of such pre-resource adequacy import commitments
  • Aggregate quantity in MW of new use import commitments assigned to each branch group and the holders of such pre-resource adequacy import commitments
  • Aggregate quantity in MW of available import capability by branch group after accounting for existing contracts, transmission ownership rights, pre-resource adequacy import commitments and new use import commitments
  • For each individual Intertie, the name of the holder of Existing Contracts and Transmission Ownership Rights, Pre-RA Import Commitments and New Use Import Commitments as well as maximum locked up amount, lock start date, lock expiration date and potentially other available information that provides stakeholders with transparency into the allocation process.

Step 7 Requirement

The ISO has sent the following information to each load serving entity through its respective scheduling coordinator on July 11, 2022:

  • Load serving entity's import capability load share
  • Load serving entity's load share quantity
  • Amount of, and branch group on which, the load serving entity's existing contract import capability, pre-resource adequacy import commitment capability and new use import commitment capability, as applicable, has been assigned
  • Load serving entity's remaining import capability


Please contact Catalin Micsa at or 916-608-5704 and Melanie Bogen at or 916-608-1070 with any questions.

California Independent System Operator | P.O. Box 639014 | Folsom, CA 95630 | United States
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