August 30, 2022
Request for Comment
Legal & Regulatory
BPM change management: Proposed revision requests and updated BPMs posted as of 8/30/22

The California ISO has posted new Proposed Revision Requests (PRRs) reflecting edits to Business Practice Manuals (BPMs). Revised BPMs that have completed the BPM change management process are posted in the BPM Library. All PRRs and related activity are publicly available through the BPM change management site.


BPM PRR updates are part of the ISO Daily Briefing in addition to being listed in the “Announcement” sections of the BPM change management tool. These updates include PRRs that have become available for review, upcoming BPM meetings, and comment due dates. All registered BPM users should continue to reference the BPM Change Management tool to see current PRR status. Subscribe to the Daily Briefing to stay up to date.


The PRRs listed below have an open 10-business day comment or appeal period from Aug. 30, 2022 through Sept. 14, 2022.


New PRRs


PRR 1451 Reliability Requirements, Clarification for price taking exports

PRR 1452 Settlements and Billing, Updated multiple BPM Configuration guides to accommodate subtracting regulation energy from meter when evaluated against expected energy

PRR 1453 Settlements and Billing, Updated BPM Configuration guide for charge code 8831 monthly resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism allocation to accommodate documentation updates

PRR 1454 Settlements and Billing, Updated BPM configuration guide for charge code 701 and pre calc resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism to accommodate hybrid resources phase 2B and HPQC 74878

PRR 1455 Settlements and Billing, Update configuration guide documentation only to reflect central procurement entity initiative settlement

PRR 1456 Settlements and Billing, Update BPM for charge code 4515 to correct input description for bid segment attribute value for self-schedules to match as configured

PRR 1457 Settlements and Billing, Update configuration guides for real-time ancillary services imports congestion to resolve quantity issue for retroactive trade dates

PRR 1458 Settlements and Billing, Updated charge codes 64600 and 64700 real-time dispatch and fifteen minute market instructed imbalance energy, energy imbalance market to accurately account for energy transfer system resources in the current price and current quantity of each charge code

PRR 1459 Settlements and Billing, Update configuration guide documentation only to reflect reliability demand response resource bidding enhancements phase 2 initiative settlement

PRR 1460 Settlements and Billing, Implemented changes to the flexible ramp product charge codes in accordance with the flexible ramping product deliverability initiative

PRR 1461 Settlements and Billing, Settlement configuration changes to unaccounted for energy charge code 64740 to support western energy imbalance market enhancements to ensure correct settlement of generation only balancing authority area western energy imbalance market entities.

PRR 1462 Market Operations, Emergency PRR, Change to loss sensitivity calculation

PRR 1463 Market Operations, Clarification on reference buses used in the market power mitigation

PRR 1464 Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures, Remainder of 2021 interconnection process enhancements initiative phase one changes

PRR 1465 Demand Response, Clarification for Energy imbalance market, reliability demand response attestation and bid dispatchable default


ISO Recommendations


PRR 1449 Generator Management BPM, 2021 Interconnection process enhancements phase one implementation

PRR 1450 Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures BPM, Portion of 2021 interconnection process enhancements initiative phase one changes


ISO Final Decisions


PRR 1437 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updates to BPM for new settlement timeline

PRR 1445 Market Operations BPM, Updates to the list of acceptable use limitations, clarifications to the calculation of opportunity cost adders for use-limited resources

PRR 1446 Market Instruments BPM, Updates to the list of acceptable use limitations, clarifications to the calculation of opportunity cost adders for use-limited resources

PRR 1447 Reliability Requirements BPM, Removal of references to reserve sharing

PRR 1448 Metering BPM, Hybrid metering requirements


BPM Library Updates

The reference document on the ISO website lists the updated BPMs in the library.


The ISO may unilaterally make and implement revisions to the BPMs in emergency circumstances, as set forth in Sections 22.4.3 and 22.11 of the ISO Tariff and in Section 2.6 of the Business Practice Manual for BPM Change Management. An emergency PRR will continue through the BPM change management stakeholder process to obtain stakeholder input on the revisions and make other recommendations, as necessary.


Please note that affected parties must register in order to submit a PRR or written comments.


More information on the BPM change management process is available on the BPM webpage of the ISO website.


Please contact Nicole Hines at 916-597-8108 or with any questions.

California Independent System Operator | P.O. Box 639014 | Folsom, CA 95630 | United States
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