RC West

The California ISO's RC West is the Reliability Coordinator (RC) of record for 25 balancing authorities and 39 transmission operators in the western United States, some of whom operate as both balancing authorities and transmission operators. An RC oversees grid compliance with federal and regional grid standards, and can determine measures to prevent or mitigate system emergencies in day-ahead or real-time operations. The RC also provides leadership in system restorations following major events.


Non-disclosure agreement

Certain confidential information pertinent to the western interconnection data are available upon compliance with the applicable Submission Instructions and submittal of a non-disclosure agreement. Requesting entities must be members of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) or have an approved WECC Base Case Data Request Package prior to requesting access to this data.

See the Western interconnection data sharing agreement and list of signatories.

RC West area alerts

Merchants can subscribe to receive information impacting the reliable operation of the bulk electric System.

Transmission operations

Our operations reporting, coordination and maintenance efforts help keep the lights on for 30 million people in our balancing authority. Find out more about transmission operations.

Contact us

For more information on RC West services, email us at: RCWest@caiso.com.
Service Desk for RC West participants only:
Local number: (916) 538-5722
Toll-free number: (833) 888-9378

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