The California ISO has posted new Proposed Revision Requests (PRRs) reflecting edits to Business Practice Manuals (BPMs). Revised BPMs that have completed the BPM change management process are posted in the BPM Library. All PRRs and related activity are publicly available through the BPM change management site.
BPM PRR updates are part of the ISO Daily Briefing in addition to being listed in the “Announcement” sections of the BPM change management tool. These updates include PRRs that have become available for review, upcoming BPM meetings, and comment due dates. All registered BPM users should continue to reference the BPM Change Management tool to see current PRR status. Subscribe to the Daily Briefing to stay up to date.
The PRRs listed below have an open 10-business day comment or appeal period from Feb. 27, 2024 through March 12, 2024.
The ISO is republishing this notice to correct PRR number hyperlinks that were previously published incorrect.
New PRRs
PRR 1554 Credit Management and Market Clearing BPM, Minor revision to Section 6.2 Estimated Aggregate Liability Components
PRR 1555 Rules of Conduct Administration BPM, Rules of Conduct Enhancements - Phase 1
ISO Recommendations
PRR 1547 Market Operations BPM, Clarification to ancillary service state of charge constraint and bid cost recovery
PRR 1548 Market Operations BPM, Emergency PRR, New process for establishing wheeling through priority effective June 2024
PRR 1550 BPM Change Management BPM, Correction to document formatting, updated hyperlinks, and language to bring Change Management BPM current
PRR 1551 Definitions and Acronyms BPM, Updating Definitions and Acronyms BPM Per Recent Updates
PRR 1552 Market Operations BPM, Clarification on Number of Historical Days Used in the Mosaic Quantile Regression
PRR 1553 Transmission Planning Process BPM, Gen Model Data Requirements Real Reactive Capability Testing Process Clarification
ISO Final Decisions
PRR 1543 Transmission Planning Process, BPM, Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures BPM, Site exclusivity demonstration clarifications
PRR 1544 Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures BPM, Non-load serving entity power purchase agreement clarifications
PRR 1546 Market Instrument BPM, Emergency PRR, New market active resource constraint report on customer market results interface
ISO PRR Moved to Hold Status
PRR 1545 Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures BPM, Interim Deliverability allocation to projects in operation clarification
BPM Library Updates
The PRR tracking log on the ISO website lists the updated BPMs in the library.
The ISO may unilaterally make and implement revisions to the BPMs in emergency circumstances, as set forth in Sections 22.4.3 and 22.11 of the ISO Tariff and in Section 2.6 of the Business Practice Manual for BPM Change Management. An emergency PRR will continue through the BPM change management stakeholder process to obtain stakeholder input on the revisions and make other recommendations, as necessary.
Please note that affected parties must register in order to submit a PRR or written comments.
More information on the BPM change management process is available on the BPM webpage of the ISO website. |