The California ISO has scheduled an informational stakeholder call on Aug. 3, 2023, to discuss the Summer Market Performance Report for June 2023, which will be posted by end of today on the Bulletins, reports and studies webpage, under the Market performance reports, Monthly market performance reports headings.
The ISO regularly reports on the performance of its markets to provide timely and relevant information. This is the second of a customized monthly report that focuses on the ISO’s market performance and system conditions during the summer months when system conditions are particularly constrained in California and the Western Interconnection.
These summer monthly reports provide an update and assessment of the performance of specific market enhancements implemented as part of the ISO’s summer readiness market rules changes, and will be available for the months of June through September.
The presentation and documents related to the Summer Market Performance Report for June 2023 will be available prior to the call on the Miscellaneous Stakeholder Meetings webpage.
This meeting will be recorded and the video file will be posted on the Miscellaneous Stakeholder Meetings webpage for a limited time. The recording is for informational and convenience purposes only and any related transcriptions should not be reprinted without the ISO’s permission.
Meeting details
Date: Aug. 3, 2023
Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pacific Time
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