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February 10, 2022


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Section 43A.6.3 Report of Non-Resource Adequacy Capacity for January 2022


The California ISO Tariff section 43A.6.3 requires the ISO to publish a monthly report of market and non-market commitment of non-resource adequacy (RA) capacity. The ISO published its Non-Resource Adequacy Capacity Report for January 2022 to its website.


The accompanying Non-RA Capacity Table spreadsheet listing all of the instances for the month, including committed resources and non-RA capacity based on resource dispatches, is also available.


The ISO had zero (0) exceptional dispatches of non-resource adequacy in the month of January 2022.


The report includes the following:

  • name of the resource;
  • utility service area and local capacity area (if applicable);
  • maximum non‑resource adequacy capacity dispatched in response to the event (MW);
  • how capacity was procured (for example, by residual unit commitment or exceptional dispatch); and
  • reason the non‑resource adequacy capacity was dispatched (either through market optimization or exceptional dispatch).

The “maximum” non-resource adequacy capacity includes non-resource adequacy capacity, which includes capacity payment mechanism capacity, committed as a result of physically binding start-up instructions and incremental energy dispatches. Exceptionally dispatched non-resource adequacy capacity will be reported separately from in-market non‑resource adequacy capacity for each trading day. Exceptional dispatches for the purposes of testing will not be included. Maximum non resource adequacy capacity will not include any non‑resource adequacy capacity below the resource’s minimum operating level if the resource has sold any capacity below that level as resource adequacy capacity. When this occurs, the resource adequacy must offer obligation applies to the minimum operating level (PMin) available.


Market commitments and dispatches result from a security constrained optimization based on bids and self-schedules from all capacity (RA and non RA) that has submitted bids. The ISO may also issue exceptional dispatches to commit and dispatch resources, for which the ISO uses available information to select the most economic resources for exceptional dispatch that can meet the reliability need. This generally results in exceptional dispatches only of resource adequacy capacity.


Please contact Phillip Booker at with any questions.

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California Independent System Operator | P.O. Box 639014 | Folsom, CA 95630 | United States