Generator interconnection

A streamlined process for interconnecting generating facilities.

Interconnection generation process

The generation interconnection planning process helps power plants interconnect to the ISO grid. This page provides information and resources to help you understand and comply with requirements. The generation interconnection planning process helps power plants interconnect to the ISO grid. This page provides information and resources to help you understand and comply with requirements. Please note, the processes outlined below are from transmission-level resource interconnections, which need to follow ISO procedures, while distribution-level resources will follow their utility procedures.

Learn more about interconnecting

The generator interconnection planning process provides a pathway for power plants to interconnect to the ISO controlled grid. We provide information and resources to help you understand and comply with requirements.

Learn about the many facets of interconnection application—from how to apply, the requirements, and what to anticipate during the process.

The New Scheduling Coordinator and Resource Owner Reference Guide is for scheduling coordinators and resource owners new to the resource implementation process. It contains helpful information, links and resources to assist with successful interconnection to the grid and participation in the wholesale power market.

Learn what contracts and documents are required to connect into the electricity grid, including the negotiation process, queue management processes, monitoring and reporting of project progress, and the process for managing project changes.

ISO queue report and other project and study information

Download a report listing the current status of active, complete and withdrawn interconnection requests listed by study process, along with additional information of interest to interconnection customers and project procurement entities.

ISO generator interconnection queue

Select the Reporting tab to view Interconnection Queue reports.

View ISO queue reports

  • Cluster 15 Interconnection Requests07/17/2024, 11:13 AM

    Projects will be published in the ISO Generation Queue once they are validated in 2025 as proposed in the 2023 Interconnection Process Enhancement stakeholder process.

Energy storage meter considerations

The ISO and CPUC have various metering requirements for energy storage resources that are connecting to the grid that should be considered in the meter design phase of the project. As an example, the CPUC requirements require retail metering for station service if the battery is not charging or discharging.

Resources and documents

Many administrative resources are used throughout the interconnection process.

Accounting forms

In order for the ISO to refund unused funds from study deposits, it requires the Interconnection Customer to complete and provide a W-9 Form and Vendor Update Form on behalf of the legal entity that owns the project.


The ISO Interconnection teams utilize DocuSign for processing and requesting signatures. Here is a DocuSign User Guide and DocuSign Electronic Signature FAQs for reference and ease of use.

Related application(s) and access

The RIMS user guide is available on the application page.

Related ISO Tariff and Business Practice Manuals

The California ISO operates under the terms and conditions of its FERC-approved tariff. Business practice manuals provide detailed rules, procedures and examples for the administration, operation, planning and accounting requirements of the ISO and the market that are consistent with the ISO tariff.

The ISO has filed Tariff Amendments to Comply with Order No. 2023. The documentation below contains draft language pending FERC approval. 

The current FERC approved Tariff sections are below.

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