New resource implementation

Find the guidelines, deliverables and activities needed during the final days of interconnection projects to successfully connect to the ISO grid.
Getting started
1) Determine how to start a project at the ISO
Using the resource list below, determine how you will submit your project request to the ISO.
Project types to be created through RIMS:
- New resource implementation
- Dynamic transfer (dynamic/pseudo-tie)
- Qualifying facility conversions
- Meter maintenance
- Remote Intelligent Gateway (RIG) reconfiguration
- Presentation - New Resource Implementation - Market Participant Asset Implementation - May 1, 202404/24/2024, 9:40 AM
- Video - New Resource Implementation Stakeholder Meeting - May 1, 202405/07/2024, 11:59 AM
- Create RIMS project05/18/2024, 7:42 PM
- Project Details Form for RIMS08/29/2024, 9:14 AM
- New Resource Implementation Quick Start Guide for RIMS02/21/2023, 3:10 PM
Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entity (SCME) projects created through
- SCME Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) onboarding
- SCME EIM updates
- Existing resources converting from ISO Metered Entity (ISOME) to SCME
- Project Details Form08/10/2023, 8:08 AM
- New Resource Implementation Quick Start Guide04/15/2022, 11:09 AM
Distributed energy resource aggregate projects created through
- Distributed Energy Resource Provider (DERP)
- Project Details Form08/10/2023, 8:08 AM
- New Resource Implementation Quick Start Guide04/15/2022, 11:09 AM
2) Review New Resource Implementation Guide
Follow the New Resource Implementation Guide to ensure a smooth transition from build to bid in the ISO markets.
3) Review New Resource Implementation Checklist
The New Resource Implementation Checklist provides requirements based on project type.
4) Review Resource Owners/Operators Desk Reference Guide
Use this Interactive desk reference guide that provides links to training, knowledge articles, process documents, checklist, etc. regarding effective interactions with your SCs and the ISO.
If you have questions, please submit either through the CIDI application or Contact us. If you have a project code, please include it (i.e. 19GEN1234) in the subject field in CIDI. If submitting your question(s) through Contact us, please select “Other” from the subject drop down and include the project code, if you have one, in the comment field.
Bucket system
The ISO "Bucket" system is derived from the Full Network Model Database Release schedule, and a generation project's estimated sync date or Qualifying Facility conversion date and specifies interconnection deliverable acceptance deadline dates. ISO review and approval requires 10 days from the time a generator owner submits a deliverable. If a deadline date is not met, document processing stops and a new implementation date must be established.
Bucket 1 – Full network model and forecast preparation
The following deliverables are required to create an ISO market Resource ID and to be modeled in the Full Network Model (FNM). These documents are essential for participation in ISO markets, plus documents to forecast and model the resource in ISO real-time and market systems. This is also the time to submit the necessary information for ISO forecasting (Eligible Intermittent Resources only). These bucket items must be submitted in advance of the bucket acceptance due dates.
Please refer to the Metering and telemetry webpage for metering documentation guidelines and the Remote Intelligent Gateway Details form.
Visit the Requesting access and certificates webpage for information on establishing connectivity to the Energy Communications Network (ECN) and the Connected Entity Service Guide.
- Sample - Wind Site Information Form08/24/2022, 1:02 PM
- Sample - Solar Site Information08/24/2022, 1:02 PM
- Wind Site Information02/21/2020, 8:33 AM
- Solar Site Information02/06/2020, 11:37 AM
- Network Application Information Template09/25/2024, 9:38 AM
- Generator MVAR Data Template09/16/2024, 9:38 AM
Bucket 2 – Regulatory contracts and model testing information
Project owners must prepare and submit appropriate contracts for interconnection. Contact for assistance with contract type selection and execution.
Please refer to the Contracts and Agreements webpage for related contracts.
Please refer to the Metering and Telemetry webpage for metering documentation guidelines.
Bucket 3 – Market preparation (30 days before sync)
These items are the most critical to reach the desired implementation date with the ISO. The Bucket 3 deliverables need careful consideration and planning. All Bucket 3 items are required and need to be accepted 30 days in advance of estimated Implementation date of the resource. Please refer to the New Resource Implementation Guide for further details on each specific document required.
- PIRP resources must complete the Letter of Intent (LOI) to become a Participating Intermittent Resource, in addition to the standard Participating Generator certification agreements.
- CEC pre-certification
This is an optional deliverable. If you choose not to submit, please contact to remove the requirement.
- Resource entity management
The scheduling coordinator must review and submit the final version of the Generator Resource Data Template (GRDT) on behalf of the legal owner/developer. Use the Sample Template for GRDT Explanation - 22GEN1234 GRDT Explanation Ver1 as a reference.
- Control and protection
The Control and Protection documentation falls into two separate categories for upload into RIMS: - ControlProtection should be used for relay settings.
- ControlProtectionInverter should be used for the submittal of the Generating Facility Data - Attachment A to Appendix 1.
- Scheduling coordinator selection and acceptance
The scheduling coordinator association cannot be completed until Bucket 1 and 2 requirements are fulfilled, the resource ID is in the Full Network Model (FNM) production build, and the final Generator Resource Data template has been accepted. Learn more about scheduling coordinators. - The scheduling coordinator that will no longer schedule for a resource must submit the Relinquishing Scheduling Coordinator Relinquishing of Resource - Letter Template.
- The scheduling coordinator that will take on the responsibility of a new resource must submit the New Scheduling Coordinator Acceptance of Resource - Letter Template.
- The resource owner must submit the Resource Owner Scheduling Coordinator Selection - Letter Template to identify which company is relinquishing SC services and which company is going to be performing SC services. This information must match both the New SC and Relinquishing SC letters.
- RIG engineering
Agreements and certificate requests must be submitted to the ISO before starting telemetry testing. Project owners must submit a Device Certificate Request Form with the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file to Please allow 10 business days for review and approvals. Learn more about metering and telemetry.
Generator Extreme Weather Data
This data request is intended for California ISO Scheduling Coordinators (SCs) for physical, NERC-registered, Bulk Electric System generation within the CAISO Balancing Authority in reference to the TOP-003 data specification with regards to data request 6.8.2 to incorporate cold weather data. Generator Owners may delegate their Scheduling Coordinator in order to provide requested data via a CIDI inquiry ticket with the subject line “Extreme Weather data”. Generator Owners (GOs) are responsible for the requirement under the NERC TOP-003 data request, however per the CAISO SC Agreement, Tariff and Procedures the SC is often the representative or designee for data submissions for the GO to CAISO. The SCs have access to CIDI whereas the GOs may not.Data request 6.8.2 can be provided using the Balancing Authority Extreme Weather Template. Please ensure submissions include the resource ID in the template for processing.
Future data changes should be submitted before approval of commercial operation for new resources and as soon as practicable for existing resources. The California ISO’s operating procedures are available on the Operating Procedures webpage, including 3140, TOP-003 TOP – BA Data Request and Specification Guidelines, and 3140A, TOP-003 TOP – BA Data Request and Specifications for Data Provision.
Bucket 4 – Trial operations approval (10 days before sync)
Trial operations testing includes preliminary validation of meter data. Buckets 1 through 4 deliverables must be completed and accepted in order to request to synchronize to the grid. This request can take up to 10 business days to complete. Metering and telemetry point-to-point testing must also be successfully completed. Final validation of metering and telemetry data will be conducted after synchronization using actual generation data.
Bucket 5 – Trial operations (1 day before sync)
The interconnection customer’s scheduling coordinator must contact ISO outage management 24 hrs. in advance of initial synchronization and again immediately before synchronization.
The scheduling coordinator must also contact the ISO real time generation scheduling desk for initial and all subsequent synchronization and testing. The Real-Time desk can fully or partially curtail trial operations at any time.
The New Scheduling Coordinator and Resource Owner Reference Guide contains helpful information, links and resources to enable users to find what they need to successfully work with the California ISO to interconnect their resources to the grid and participate in the wholesale power market.
Bucket 6 – Commercial Operation Date (COD)
The ISO will issue a signed Certificate of Compliance (COC) following metering and telemetry validation with live test generation data and approval of all required documentation. This certificate must be issued before declaring a commercial operation date.
All buckets 1 through 5 and a Metering Site Verification Sheet (MSVS) must be received and accepted in order for the interconnection customer (IC) to request Commercial Operation Date (COD) or Commercial Operations for Market (COM). This request can take up to five business days to complete. The ISO will issue an email response containing the date the interconnection customer has completed the NRI process. Once this email is received, then the IC will need to complete the COD Declaration or COM Declaration and upload into RIMS with an effective date. Please review the NRI Guide for more detailed information on the COM/COD process.
Commercial operation letter templates
- Distribution Connected Commercial Operations Letter Template11/10/2023, 9:09 AM
- Commercial Operations for Market Letter Template11/10/2023, 9:09 AM
- Phased Commercial Operation Implementation Plan Template05/11/2020, 9:54 AM
Related ISO Tariff and Business Practice Manuals
The California ISO operates under the terms and conditions of its FERC-approved tariff. Business practice manuals provide detailed rules, procedures and examples for the administration, operation, planning and accounting requirements of the ISO and the market that are consistent with the ISO tariff.
All new interconnection requests are subject to Tariff Appendix DD. Repower and modification requests are subject to Section 25 and Tariff Appendix DD. New interconnection requests are no longer accepted under Tariff Appendices S, U, W or Y.
- ISO Tariff05/18/2024, 7:42 PM
- ISO Tariff, Appendix DD - Generator Interconnection Deliverability Allocation Procedures (GIDAP)04/05/2024, 11:14 AM
- Business Practice Manual for Generator Interconnection Procedures05/16/2024, 3:29 AM
- Business Practice Manual for Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures05/16/2024, 3:29 AM
- Business Practice Manual for Generator Management05/16/2024, 3:29 AM
- Business Practice Manual for Transmission Planning Process05/16/2024, 3:29 AM
- Business Practice Manual for Distributed Generation for Deliverability05/16/2024, 3:29 AM