Contracts and agreements
The ISO enters into agreements with market participants to define the rates, terms and conditions of service that are administered by the ISO in accordance with our tariff. The references below include standard forms of agreement for service and access to information, as well as non-standard forms that generally are specifically negotiated, such as the transmission control agreement.
Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) agreements
Contracted entity required notifications
Non-disclosure agreements
Certain secure planning and market systems data are available upon compliance with the applicable submission instructions and submittal of a non-disclosure agreement. Requesting entities must be members of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) or have an approved WECC Confidentiality Agreement prior to requesting access to this data.
Congestion revenue rights full network model non-disclosure agreement and instructions
Protected data non-disclosure agreement and instructions
- Protected Data/Market Modeling Data Non-Disclosure Agreement Submission Instructions11/06/2023, 10:53 AM
- Protected Data/Market Modeling Data Non-Disclosure Agreement11/12/2020, 2:10 PM
Transmission planning non-disclosure agreement and instructions
- Regional Transmission Non-Disclosure Agreement Submission Instructions11/06/2023, 10:53 AM
- Regional Transmission Non-Disclosure Agreement11/19/2020, 1:57 PM
Western interconnection data sharing agreement
- Western Interconnection Data Sharing Agreement - List of Signatories06/14/2024, 10:31 AM
- Western Interconnection Data Sharing Agreement07/23/2019, 4:14 PM
Transmission agreements
The terms and conditions for how the ISO and participating transmission owners will discharge their respective duties and responsibilities. View the Transmission control agreement and Appendix F.
- Approved Project Sponsors Contacts List10/04/2022, 4:08 PM
Pro forma agreements
Pro forma agreements are routinely executed between the California ISO and market participants. Please refer to the ISO Tariff Appendix B for all pro forma agreements.
Large generator interconnection agreements (LGIA)
Please refer to Tariff Appendices BB, CC and EE for Large Generator Interconnection Agreements. Submit the Affidavit Template or Repowering Affidavit to satisfy requirements in Section 25.1.2 of the ISO Tariff.
Small generator interconnection agreements (SGIA)
Please refer to Tariff Appendices T and FF for Large Generator Interconnection Agreements. Submit the Affidavit Template or Repowering Affidavit to satisfy requirements in Section 25.1.2 of the ISO Tariff.
Generator interconnection agreement amendment regarding downsizing
Please refer to Tariff Appendix HH for the generator interconnection agreement amendment regarding downsizing.
Supporting documentation for pro forma agreements
Information request sheets, registration forms, and schedule templates are located below. For entity assignments, entity name changes, project name changes, schedule revisions, or terminations, please contact Regulatory Contracts for instructions and templates.
Other agreements
Qualified reporting entity
The role of the Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE) is to submit meter data associated with renewable energy on behalf of ISO Metered Entities (ISO polled) using the WREGIS application. View the requirements on the Metering and telemetry page.
Coordinated functional registration agreements
A Coordinated Functional Registration (CFR) is where two or more entities agree in writing upon a division of compliance responsibility for one or more reliability standards, requirements or sub-requirements applicable to a particular function (see the NERC Rules of Procedure, section 508, appendix 5A).
The ISO has CFR agreements that identify the reliability standards compliance responsibilities for each party registered under the transmission operator function for the transmission facilities within the ISO balancing authority. These agreements are filed with the WECC.
- ISO and SCE Coordinated Functional Registration Agreement09/26/2024, 1:54 PM
- ISO and SDG&E Coordinated Functional Registration Agreement09/26/2024, 1:54 PM
- ISO and PG&E Coordinated Functional Registration Agreement09/26/2024, 1:54 PM
- ISO and TBC Coordinated Functional Registration Agreement09/26/2024, 1:54 PM
- ISO and LST Coordinated Functional Registration Agreement09/26/2024, 1:54 PM
- ISO and VEA Coordinated Functional Registration Agreement09/26/2024, 1:54 PM
- ISO and GRID Coordinated Functional Registration Agreement09/26/2024, 1:54 PM
Submitted participating transmission owner (PTO) applications
See terms and conditions for agreements between California ISO and transmission owners.