Resource adequacy

The resource adequacy and reliability requirements programs provide deliverability criteria that each load serving entity must meet. These programs also provide rules for counting resources that must be made available to the ISO. Our requirement programs are intended to complement the state's efforts to implement resource adequacy programs.

Advisory estimates of future resource adequacy import capability

Resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism (RAAIM) annual reports

View all RAAIM annual reports

Local capacity requirements technical analysis

Reliability requirements deliverability assessment methodologies

Historical hourly load data from EMS

Historical hourly load data by transmission access charge area from the energy management system (EMS) for calculating coincident peaks. Prior month’s historical data will be available towards the end of each month.

View all historical EMS hourly load data documents

Power Contracts Bulletin Board

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order No. 719 requires ISO’s and RTO’s to dedicate a portion of their website for market participants to post offers to buy or sell power. Go to the Power Contracts Bulletin Board page. 

Related application and access

The Customer Interface for Resource Adequacy (CIRA) system is used to manage the ISO's Reliability Requirements program

Related ISO Tariff and Business Practice Manual

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