WEIM cumulative benefits approach $7 billion

Q4 2024 results demonstrate advantages of resource-sharing across BAs

Read the news release

California ISO

Today's Outlook As of: --:-- PT, --/--/----

Grid status

--,--- MW
Current capacity
--,--- MW
Current demand
--,--- MW
Forecasted peak
--,--- MW
Current renewables
Renewables serving demand

Upcoming calendar

Comments due - Subscriber PTO Market Scheduling Options - Straw Proposal

Yelena Kopylov-Alford, ykopylovalford@caiso.com 

Please use the stakeholder Commenting Tool to submit comments on this topic to the California ISO.

Related information: https://stakeholdercenter.caiso.com/StakeholderInitiatives/Subscriber-participating-transmission-owner-market-scheduling-options 

Audit Committee Executive Session
Audit Committee Executive Session
In-person Online
Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Track 1 (Policy and Modeling)
California ISO, 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, CA

Christina Guimera, cguimera@caiso.com 

Web and audio participation information

Step 1: join web conference at https://caiso.webex.com/caiso/onstage/g.php?MTID=e250e2c174cb08cd044e2d468ad228fe5

Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number

Audio only participation: call 1-844-621-3956, access code: 24826012217

Technical support: call Intellor at 1-301-250-7202

In Person Registration


Related information


In-person Online
Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Track 3 (Visibility) & Track 2 (RAAIM/O&S)
California ISO, 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, CA

Christina Guimera, cguimera@caiso.com 

Web and audio participation information

Step 1: join web conference at https://caiso.webex.com/caiso/onstage/g.php?MTID=e25b3948d2e79429c6943a98d41e3f5f2

Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number

Audio only participation: call 1-844-621-3956, access code: 24961518820

Technical support: call Intellor at 1-301-250-7202

In Person Registration


Related information



Participating with the ISO

iconGetting Started

The power industry is changing fast — and that creates opportunities for new participants to enter our competitive market. Be a scheduling coordinator, connect to the grid, or bid into our markets.

Become a participant with the ISO

iconWestern Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

WEIM is a wholesale energy trading market for the West. Our scalable and flexible platform allows entities to join in a timeframe that works for their business.

Join the WEIM real-time marketLearn how WEIM works

iconExtended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM)

EDAM will build on the economic, reliability, and environmental benefits of the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) by optimizing the use of existing transmission and resources in the much larger day-ahead timeframe across an expanded footprint.

Learn more about EDAMJoin the EDAM

iconRC West

The ISO's RC West is the Reliability Coordinator (RC) of record for many balancing authorities and transmission operators in the western United States. An RC oversees grid compliance with federal and regional grid standards, and can determine measures to prevent or mitigate system emergencies in day-ahead or real-time operations.

Learn about RC West

iconRequest application access

Confidential information and data communicated between the ISO and its participants during the course of planning and market activities are protected through robust systems and application security. All systems and applications, except OASIS, require an User Access Administrator (UAA) to grant access and removal.

Learn about requesting access and certificatesBecome a UAA

iconProduct and services

The ISO wholesale energy market is comprised of distinct day-ahead and real-time processes. The energy products and services traded in our market allow us to meet reliability needs and serve load. The market also offers services in which qualified entities can buy and sell congestion revenue rights and engage in convergence bidding activities.

Learn about our products and services

iconResource adequacy

The reliability requirements and resource adequacy programs provide deliverability criteria that each load serving entity must meet, and provide rules for counting resources that must be made available to the ISO. The ISO reliability requirements program is intended to complement the state's efforts to implement resource adequacy programs.

Learn about resource adequacy

Storage Design and Modeling Working Group

Join us on Feb. 20, 2025 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm to discuss the Storage Design and Modeling initiative. The working group will continue to refine energy storage Bid-Cost Recovery (BCR) provisions, explore storage Default Energy Bids (DEB) enhancements, and enhance the storage outage submission process. 

View meeting details

ISO Board of Governors and Joint ISO Board of Governors and WEM Governing Body Meeting  

Join us for the California ISO Board of Governors meeting on Feb. 12, 2025. The Board shapes policies, approves grid planning and market design changes, and reviews and approves the annual ISO budget. 

See related information 

Folsom control room

About the California ISO

The ISO manages the flow of electricity across high-voltage, long-distance power lines that make up 80 percent of California's and a small part of Nevada's grid. The nonprofit public benefit corporation also operates a competitive wholesale energy market, and conducts transmission planning to identify grid expansion needs.

Learn more about our businessGet to know our leadership

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