Business Practice Manuals

Business Practice Manuals (BPMs) provide detailed rules, procedures and examples for the administration, operation, planning and accounting requirements of the California ISO and the market that are consistent with the ISO tariff.

Adherence to the manuals is important for orderly operation of the ISO market. And our systematic and publicly transparent change management process ensures the consideration of all relevant information when modifying these manuals.

Upcoming meetings

BPM Change Management Proposed Revision Request Review

Nicole Hines, 916-597-8108, 

NOTE: Do not add to personal calendar. Meeting date and details to be confirmed in a future notice. 

Web and audio participation information

Step 1: join web conference at TBD

Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number

Audio only participation: call 1-844-621-3956, access code: TBD

Technical support: call Intellor at 1-301-250-7202

Related information


Comments due - BPM Proposed Revision Requests
BPM Change Management Proposed Revision Request Review

Nicole Hines, 916-597-8108, 

NOTE: Do not add to personal calendar. Meeting date and details to be confirmed in a future notice. 

Web and audio participation information

Step 1: join web conference at TBD

Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number

Audio only participation: call 1-844-621-3956, access code: TBD

Technical support: call Intellor at 1-301-250-7202

Related information


Comments due - BPM Proposed Revision Requests

BPM change management process

The ISO systematic and publicly transparent BPM Change Management process ensures the consideration of all relevant information when modifying BPMs. The change management process uses a system available through the ISO public website that provides a way to propose BPM changes, comment on open change requests, and track proposed change requests. The change management process begins when the ISO or a stakeholder submits a web-based Proposed Revision Request (PRR). After an ISO review for completeness, PRRs are posted to the website, triggering a stakeholder review and comment period.

  1. Submit Proposed Revision Request (PRR)
  2. Comments period
    Upon ISO acceptance, PRR becomes public and 10-business day comment period starts
  3. Stakeholder meeting
    PRR details and comments reviewed and discussed
  4. Recommendation
    ISO recommendation issued on PRR
  5. Comments on recommendation
    10-business day comment period open on recommendation
  6. Stakeholder meeting on recommendation
    PRR recommendation and comments reviewed
  7. Final decision*
    BPM updated or not updated

*Stakeholders have the right to appeal the final decision of a proposed revision request (PRR)


Stakeholders have the right to appeal the final decision of a proposed revision request (PRR). Upon appeal, an ISO executive appeals committee conducts a public session to hear stakeholder positions and has 21 days to post a decision.

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