The California ISO is anticipating high loads and temperatures across the ISO Grid for trading days Sept. 5, 2020 through Sept. 7, 2020. Scheduling Coordinators are reminded to schedule their load in the day-ahead market consistent with good utility practice and considering anticipated high loads and temperatures in their respective areas.
Under-scheduling of load in the day-ahead market during constrained conditions can overly constrain the real-time market and contribute to the need to curtail schedules in RUC and the real-time, or affect the ISO’s ability to serve actual demand.
The results of today’s day-ahead market for tomorrow’s trading day, Sept 5, 2020, show that scheduling coordinators scheduled or bid in over 3,000 MW less than the forecasted load in the ISO balancing authority area as a whole.
Although bids and self-schedules can be submitted as early as seven days in advance of the applicable trading day, Scheduling Coordinators should ensure their bids and self-schedules reflect their load expectations in light of anticipated high load and temperatures.