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July 3, 2019


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System Operations

Notification of Revised ISO Operating Procedures 2530, 5320 and 5750


The California ISO has revised the operating procedures referenced below.


2530 Manual Dispatch on Interties, version 6.8, effective July 3, 2019

Sections 1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, & 3.4: Changed all instances of Interchange Scheduling Desk/Interchange Scheduler to Transmission Desk/Transmission Dispatcher.

Section 2.1: Removed the word ISO from supply deficiency and Overgeneration event in order to allow the procedure to cover a larger scope of work.

Added the term Emergency Resource ID to the note, since we are incorporating Emergency Resources in Section 3.1 of the Procedure.

Section 2.2: Added a sentence discussing this procedure’s applicability to Balancing Authority (BA)-to-BA reliability related transactions.

Section 3.1: Changed title of section Manual Dispatch of Interchange Transactions. Combined Steps 4 and 5 to have the procedure read better and more efficiently. Added the term Price to the list of terms. Added an additional set of steps for BA-to-BA reliability related manual dispatches.

Revised Sections 3.1 and 3.2 to remove Emergency Assistance related verbiage. Clarified language throughout the procedure.

Section 3.2: Deleted MRTU from the Resource ID Value box.

Minor format and grammar updates.


5320 Resource Trial Operations and Test Energy Process, version 3.3, effective July 3, 2019

Changed Interchange Scheduler to Transmission Desk.

Minor format and grammar updates.


5750 Settlement Quality Meter Data (SQMD) Plan - Submission and Approval Process (External), version 2.0, effective July 3, 2019

Periodic Review:

Minor update to Section 1, Responsibilities.

Corrected typo in Section 2.1, 1st bullet.

Updated various sections for consistency with other like

Minor format updates for consistency with other procedures and grammar updates.


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California Independent System Operator | P.O. Box 639014 | Folsom, CA 95630 | United States