September 2, 2016
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Market Rules and Market Design
Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources Phase 2 Working Group Web Conference 9/13/16
The California ISO is establishing a working group to discuss use-limitations for non-generator resources as part of the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources Phase 2 stakeholder initiative. The web conference is scheduled for September 13, 2016. Please submit comments on the discussion by September 20.
Main Text
The ISO is establishing a new working group within the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources (ESDER) Phase 2 initiative to explore use-limitations for non-generator resources. The first web conference for this working group is scheduled on September 13, 2016.
Representing use limitations in the non-generator resources model continues to be a high priority among stakeholders. Stakeholders have expressed interest in exploring whether non-generator resources can qualify for use-limited status. Use-limited status is available for certain generating resources that are able to define commitment costs, such as start-up costs, minimum load costs and minimum megawatt hour run time for market optimization and bid cost recovery. While the existing ISO Commitment Cost Enhancement Phase 3 (CCE3) initiative defines rules for storage modeled under the ISO’s Proxy Demand Resource (PDR) model, storage modeled under Non-Generator Resource (NGR) is not within scope of that initiative.
The ISO recommended in the July 21 ESDER Phase 2 revised straw proposal that a working group be established to discuss and further understand how NGR resources might be qualified and treated under a use-limited designation. The working group to discuss use-limitations for non-generator resources will look at the current efforts of the CCE3 stakeholder initiative as a foundation, how the ISO defines use limited resource qualification and subsequent treatment of those resources and explore if such a designation has merit and is feasible for non-generator resources.
An agenda and presentation to help guide the discussion will be available by close of business September 11 on the initiative webpage at
Please submit comments on the discussion to by close of business September 20.
Meeting Details
Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Web Conference Information
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For More Information Contact
Tom Flynn at or 916-608-5725