The ISO has scheduled a public stakeholder working group call for June 25, 2018, to further discuss the revised straw proposal for the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources Phase 3 initiative.
This session’s agenda will be based on comments received during the previous working group, held on June 5, as well as on specific design elements of the proposed load shift resource. The agenda and presentation will be available prior to the working group on the initiative webpage at
A web conference will be available. The meeting will be recorded and the video file posted on the initiative webpage for a limited time.
Please submit written comments on the discussion to by end of day July 3.
Meeting Details
Date: June 25, 2018
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. PDT
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Participation Information
Step 1: call 1-877-369-5230, access code: 0593393##
Step 2: join web conference
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