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April 27, 2021


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Hybrid Resources - Aggregate Capability Constraint for Co-Located Resources: Draft Tariff Language, Call 5/11/21


The California ISO will hold a stakeholder call on May 11, 2021, to discuss the draft tariff language for the Hybrid Resources Aggregate Capability Constraint (ACC) for Co-Located Resources. Please submit comments by May 6.


As noted during the informational call on March 22 that discussed the ACC informational report, the ISO has developed updated tariff language for the ACC, which will allow co-located resources to have multiple ACCs at the same generating facility. Because additional constraints could potentially prevent the ISO from receiving generation from resources behind encumbered constraints during scarcity situations, the ISO will model the ACC as a less important priority than the load-balance constraint. Following this stakeholder call, the ISO plans to file these changes at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).


The draft tariff language, along with a presentation and related material, will be available prior to the call on the initiative webpage, at The call will be recorded and the video file posted on the initiative webpage for a limited time. The recording is for informational and convenience purposes only, and any related transcriptions should not be reprinted without the ISO’s permission.


Please submit written comments on the draft tariff language end of day May 6, through the ISO’s commenting tool, using the link on the initiative webpage above.


Meeting Details

Date: May 11, 2021

Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Pacific Time

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Step 1: call 1-888-251-2949, access code: 9883167#

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California Independent System Operator | P.O. Box 639014 | Folsom, CA 95630 | United States