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May 4, 2021


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BPM Change Management: Proposed Revision Requests and Updated BPMs Posted as of 5/4/21


The California ISO has posted new proposed revision requests (PRRs) reflecting edits to Business Practice Manuals (BPM). Revised BPMs that have completed the BPM change management process are posted in the BPM Library.


All PRRs and related activity are publicly available through the BPM change management site at


New Feature: BPM PRR updates will now be part of the ISO Daily Briefing in addition to being listed in the “Announcement” sections of the BPM change management tool. These updates will include PRRs that have become available for review, upcoming BPM meetings, and comment due dates. All registered BPM users should continue to reference the BPM Change Management tool to see current PRR status. To sign up for the Daily Briefing, please go to:


The PRRs listed below have an open 10-business day comment or appeal period from May 4, 2021 through May 18, 2021.


New PRRs


PRR 1338 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, Update measured demand precalc to fix pro-ration for load aggregation point neutrality and CC 8835 allocations

PRR 1339 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, To exempt internal pseudo-tie resources from intertie deviation settlement (IDS) penalty and to exempt resources

PRR 1340 Market Instruments BPM, Average costs in generator resource data template

PRR 1341 Reliability Requirements BPM, Emergency PRR, Maximum import capability (MIC) multi-year import allocation reservations and revisions to the remaining import capability allocation as well as increased transparency regarding import allocations

PRR 1342 Demand Response BPM, Emergency PRR, Updates to reliability demand response resource bid dispatch and addition of Appendix G to demand response BPM

PRR 1343 Reliability Requirements BPM, Emergency PRR, Resource adequacy enhancements phase 1

PRR 1344 Market Operations BPM, Emergency PRR, Summer readiness 2021 as it relates to market operations BPM

PRR 1345 Market Operations BPM, Emergency PRR, Summer Readiness 2021 as it relates to market operations BPM and penalty prices

PRR 1346 Market Instruments BPM, Emergency PRR, Summer Readiness 2021 as it relates to market instruments

PRR 1347 Outage Management BPM, Emergency PRR, Summer readiness 2021 as it relates to resource adequacy enhancements phase-1

PRR 1348 Market Operations BPM, Emergency PRR, Description of losses impact on POR energy LMPs

PRR 1349 Energy Imbalance Market BPM, Emergency PRR, Summer readiness 2021_as it relates to the energy imbalance market BPM

PRR 1350 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, Created 6483 hour-ahead scheduling process uplift settlement, and 6484 hour-ahead scheduling process uplift settlement allocation to accommodate the changes as per the real time market import & export market incentives during tight system conditions initiative

PRR 1351 Direct Telemetry BPM, Distribution credit factor requirement

PRR 1352 Metering BPM, Distribution credit factor requirement

PRR 1353 Market Instruments BPM, Emergency PRR, Clarification of DOT breakdown for EIRs


ISO Recommendations


PRR 1334 Market Operations BPM, State of charge reservation for regulation

PRR 1335 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, Update CC 7020 reliability must run capacity payment BPM to clawback excess revenue when reliability must run designation is for system transmission access charge area

PRR 1336 Market Instruments BPM, Emergency PRR, FERC order 831 compliance for energy cost recovery price screening

PRR 1337 Market Operations BPM, Emergency PRR, FERC order 831 compliance for energy cost recovery penalty prices


ISO Final Decisions


PRR 1322 Settlements and Billing BPM, Update settlements configuration guide for grid management charge bid segment fee in relation to day ahead nodal pricing model initiative to correct bid segment counts

PRR 1323 Settlements and Billing BPM, To eliminate double penalty settlement for intertie resources that switch between 15 minute economic bid and hourly bid option within a given trade date

PRR 1326 Metering BPM, Pseudo ties for shared resources

PRR 1327 Direct Telemetry BPM, Pseudo ties for shared resources

PRR 1328 Settlements and Billing BPM, To support the hybrid resources phase 1 initiative, configuration changes are needed to settle hybrid resources for forecasting services

PRR 1329 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated multiple BPM configuration guides to accommodate the real time settlement review - phase 1 initiative

PRR 1330 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated BPM configuration guide for CC 8835 annual resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism neutrality to accommodate adding a flexible formula stream

PRR 1331 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated BPM configuration guide pc system resource deemed delivered energy quantity to accommodate system resources whose e-tags are curtailed in the middle of the trade hour

PRR 1332 Settlements and Billing BPM, Adding attribute to support unique pricing for day ahead marginal cost of losses price in day ahead settlement

PRR 1333 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated BPM configuration guide for pc spin non-spin no pay quantity to accommodate channel 4 meter quantity being included for lesr and ddr resources



BPM Library updates

The reference document on the ISO website lists the updated BPMs in the library.


The ISO may unilaterally make and implement revisions to the BPMs in emergency circumstances, as set forth in Sections 22.4.3 and 22.11 of the ISO Tariff and in Section 2.6 of the Business Practice Manual for BPM Change Management.  An emergency PRR will continue through the BPM change management stakeholder process to obtain stakeholder input on the revisions and make other recommendations, as necessary.


Please note that affected parties must register in order to submit a PRR or written comments.


More information on the BPM change management process is available at


Nicole Hines at 916-608-5862 or

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