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August 31, 2021


Request for Comment


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BPM Change Management: Proposed Revision Requests and Updated BPMs Posted as of 8/31/21


The California ISO has posted new proposed revision requests (PRRs) reflecting edits to Business Practice Manuals (BPM). Revised BPMs that have completed the BPM change management process are posted in the BPM Library. All PRRs and related activity are publicly available through the BPM change management site.


BPM PRR updates are part of the ISO Daily Briefing in addition to being listed in the “Announcement” sections of the BPM change management tool. These updates include PRRs that have become available for review, upcoming BPM meetings, and comment due dates. All registered BPM users should continue to reference the BPM Change Management tool to see current PRR status. Click here to sign up for the Daily Briefing.


The PRRs listed below have an open 10-business day comment or appeal period from Aug. 31, 2021 through Sept. 15, 2021.


New PRRs


PRR 1365 Candidate CRR Holder Registration BPM, Updating congestion revenue rights holder registration for document submission and formatting

PRR 1366 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, Updated charge code 6456 intertie deviation settlement to exempt hour ahead scheduling process market disruption intervals from intertie deviation settlement penalty assessment

PRR 1367 Reliability Requirements BPM, Short-long start definitions update

PRR 1368 Energy Imbalance Market BPM, Emergency PRR Unaccounted for energy settlement election process

PRR 1369 Direct Telemetry BPM, Update to the maximum continuous energy limit battery point definition

PRR 1370 Managing Full Network Model BPM, Emergency PRR, Utilize a nomogram to manage unscheduled flow events in real-time dispatch

PRR 1371 Market Operations BPM, Persistence forecast enhancement

PRR 1372 Settlements and Billing BPM, To support the energy storage distributed energy resources phase 4 initiative, configuration changes are needed to update the settlement of bid cost recovery for non- regulation energy management limited energy resources to align with the initiative

PRR 1373 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated multiple BPM configuration guides to accommodate the real time settlement review - phase 2 initiative

PRR 1374 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated multiple BPM configuration guides to accommodate the intertie shadow pricing resolution initiative

PRR 1376 Settlements and Billing BPM, Update configuration guides to reflect Western Area Power Administration transmission exchange agreement treatment

PRR 1377 Settlements and Billing BPM, Update configuration guides to reflect settlement of exceptional dispatches designated as TMODEL8 and TMODEL9

PRR 1378 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated CC 64770 real time imbalance energy offset energy imbalance market to accurately and properly align with non-California balancing authority areas will get greenhouse gas adjustments.

PRR 1379 Transmission Planning Process BPM, Emergency PRR Changes to section 10.4.5 schedule of request/deadline


ISO Recommendations


There are no PRR Recommendations at this time.


ISO Final Decisions


PRR 1282 Market Operations BPM, Emergency PRR, Scheduling of export resources in real time market

PRR 1361 Reliability Requirements BPM, Emergency PRR, Resource adequacy enhancement project phase 1 transition process

PRR 1362 Market Operations BPM, Emergency PRR, FERC Order 831 Phase 2 threshold logic

PRR 1363 Market Operations BPM, Trajectory between real-time dispatch intervals

PRR 1364 Reliability Requirements BPM, Correct bidding requirements for non-generating resource (non-regulation energy management)


BPM Library updates

The reference document on the ISO website lists the updated BPMs in the library.


The ISO may unilaterally make and implement revisions to the BPMs in emergency circumstances, as set forth in Sections 22.4.3 and 22.11 of the ISO Tariff and in Section 2.6 of the Business Practice Manual for BPM Change Management. An emergency PRR will continue through the BPM change management stakeholder process to obtain stakeholder input on the revisions and make other recommendations, as necessary.


Please note that affected parties must register in order to submit a PRR or written comments.


More information on the BPM change management process is available on the BPM webpage of the ISO website.


Nicole Hines at 916-608-5862 or
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California Independent System Operator | P.O. Box 639014 | Folsom, CA 95630 | United States