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December 22, 2020


Request for Comment


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BPM Change Management: Proposed Revision Requests and Updated BPMs Posted as of 12/22/20


The California ISO has posted new proposed revision requests (PRRs) reflecting edits to Business Practice Manuals (BPM). Revised BPMs that have completed the BPM change management process are posted in the BPM Library.


All PRRs and related activity are publicly available through the BPM change management site at


New Feature: BPM PRR updates will now be part of the ISO Daily Briefing in addition to being listed in the “Announcement” sections of the BPM change management tool. These updates will include PRRs that have become available for review, upcoming BPM meetings, and comment due dates. All registered BPM users should continue to reference the BPM Change Management tool to see current PRR status. To sign up for the Daily Briefing, please go to:


The PRRs listed below have an open 10-business day comment or appeal period from Dec. 22, 2020 through Jan. 5, 2021.


New PRRs

PRR 1310 Direct Telemetry BPM, Emergency PRR, New requirements for hybrid resources and transport layer security

PRR 1311 Energy Imbalance Market BPM, Emergency PRR, Intertie multi-stage generating resources modeling for energy imbalance market participating resources

PRR 1312 Market Operations BPM, Following trajectory between dispatch operating target


ISO Recommendations


PRR 1303 Market Operations BPM, Intertie deviation settlement

PRR 1304 Market Instruments BPM, Negotiated rates new process changes for market instruments BPM

PRR 1305 Energy Imbalance Market BPM, Negotiated rates new process changes for energy imbalance market BPM

PRR 1306 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, Updated BPM configuration guides for enforcement protocol charge group charge code 1591, 1592, and 1593 to accommodate charge code 1593 associated with daily statements

PRR 1307 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, Updated multiple BPM configuration guides to accommodate updating the procedure that documents the steps for submitting the transmission revenue requirement detail to the CAISO required for updating transmission access charge rates

PRR 1308 Settlements and Billing BPM, Emergency PRR, To support energy imbalance market enhancements 2020, specifically symmetrical wheeling configuration changes to real time marginal losses offset energy imbalance market

PRR 1309 Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures BPM, Clarification on point of interconnection changes, independent study process eligibility, interconnection financial security refunds, and allowable actions when projects are parked


ISO Final Decisions


PRR 1288 Market Operations BPM, Hybrid resources co-located resources phase 1

PRR 1289 Energy Imbalance Market BPM, Hybrid resources co-located resources phase 1

PRR 1290 Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures BPM, Clarifications in modifications between phase I and phase II, reliability network upgrades reimbursement, and date in interconnection request for requests in deliverability

PRR 1291 Reliability Requirements BPM, Clarification of maximum deliverability due to the hybrid policy resources phase 1

PRR 1292 CG CC 6455 BPM, To support the Intertie Deviation Settlement imitative, configuration changes to incentivize delivery of awarded energy on interties for more accurate estimates of the net scheduled interchange

PRR 1293 CG PC Real Time Energy Quantity, CG PC Real Time Congestion CG, CC 6985 Real Time Marginal Losses Offset BPM, To support energy imbalance market enhancements 2020, specifically symmetrical wheeling. Configuration changes to real time marginal losses offset, real time energy pre-calc and real time congestion pre-calc

PRR 1294 CG CC 6011 Day Ahead Energy, Congestion, Loss Settlement v5.5CG CC 6790 CRR Balancing Account v5.5CG CC 6947 IFM Marginal Losses Surplus Credit Allocation v5.2CG CC 6630 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement v5.2CG CC 6636 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Tier1 Allocation v5.4aCG CC 6637 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Tier2 Allocation v5.2CG CC 4515 GMC Bid Transaction Fee v5.6CG CC 4560 GMC Market Services Charge v5.5CG CC 4575 GMC Scheduling Coordinator ID Charge v5.0dCG PC NPM Pre-calculation v5.0 BPM, Update settlements configuration guides to implement day ahead nodal pricing model initiative

PRR 1295 CG CC 6470 Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy Settlement BPM, To support the slow demand response enhancement, documentation changes to include business rule for comparing resource locational marginal price to day ahead bid price for slow demand response resources in cases where exceptional dispatch type of non t-model used to dispatch resource

PRR 1296 CG PC RTM Net Amount v5.34.1CG PC RTM Net Amount v5.35.1 BPM, Configuration adjustment to reliability must run capacity payments to ensure that residual unit commitment costs are considered in the calculation for the combined residual unit commitment and real-time market excess revenues

PRR 1297 CG CC 6046 Over and Under Scheduling EIM Allocation BPM - CG CC 6474 Real-Time Unaccounted for Energy Settlement BPM - CG CC 6788 Real Time Market Congestion Credit Settlement BPM - CG PC Ancillary Services BPM - CG PC Measured Demand Over Control Area Excl MSS Energy BPM - CG PC Measured Demand Over Control Area BPM - CG PC MSS Deviation Penalty Quantity BPM - CG PC MSS Netting BPM - CG PC Real Time Energy Quantity BPM - CG PC ETC TOR CVR Quantity BPM, To support the excess behind the meter production initiative, configuration enhancements to account for new energy measurement type excess behind the meter production and to settle charges to non-participating load.

PRR 1298 Settlements and Billing BPM, Updated settlement and billing business practice manual for market settlements timeline transformation initiative

PRR 1299 CG PC Spin Non-Spin No Pay Quantity 5.20.1 CG PC Spin Non-Spin No Pay Quantity 5.21.1CG PC Spin Non-Spin No Pay Quantity 5.22.1 BPM, Updated business practice manual configuration guide for pc spin non-spin no pay quantity to accommodate a specific fast start scenario not accounted for existing active configuration

PRR 1300 CG CC 6045 Over and Under Scheduling EIM Settlement 5.0aCG CC 6045 Over and Under Scheduling EIM Settlement 5.1bCG CC 6045 Over and Under Scheduling EIM Settlement 5.2b BPM, Updated charge code 6045 over and under scheduling energy imbalance market settlement in the business rules to align with incremental price is applied for under scheduling with current configuration

PRR 1301 Candidate CRR Holder Registration BPM, Candidate congestion revenue rights holder registration fee increase and minor formatting

PRR 1302 Scheduling Coordinator Certification and Termination BPM, Scheduling coordinator registration fee increase and minor formatting


BPM Library updates

The reference document on the ISO website lists the updated BPMs in the library.


The ISO may unilaterally make and implement revisions to the BPMs in emergency circumstances, as set forth in Sections 22.4.3 and 22.11 of the ISO Tariff and in Section 2.6 of the Business Practice Manual for BPM Change Management.  An emergency PRR will continue through the BPM change management stakeholder process to obtain stakeholder input on the revisions and make other recommendations, as necessary.


Please note that affected parties must register in order to submit a PRR or written comments.


More information on the BPM change management process is available at


Nicole Hines at 916-608-5862 or
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