11 Renewable Resource

Renewable Generation Curtailment

Figure 111 shows the monthly wind and solar VERs (variable energy resource) curtailment of economic or self-scheduled generation in RTD by reason: system wide conditions or local congestion. Figure 112 shows the monthly wind and solar VERs (variable energy resource) curtailment of economic or self-scheduled generation in RTD by resource type.

The curtailment of renewable energy dropped in June compared to the previous month. Most curtailments continued to be solar.

Economic curtailment is defined as the resource’s dispatch upper limit minus its RTD schedule when the resource has an economic bid. Dispatch upper limit is the maximum level the resource can be dispatched to when various factors are taken into account such as economic bids, generation outages, ramping capacity, etc. Self-schedule curtailment is defined as the resource’s self-schedule minus its RTD schedule when RTD schedule is smaller than self-schedule. Note that when a VER resource is exceptionally dispatched, then exceptional dispatch curtailment is defined as the dispatch upper limit minus the exceptional dispatch value.

Figure 111: Renewable Curtailment by Reason

Renewable Curtailment by Reason

Figure 112: Renewable Curtailment by Resource Type

Renewable Curtailment by Resource Type