Supply and renewables
Shows the energy delivered from a generator by resource type.
Current renewables
The amount of generation currently being produced by renewables.
Current hybrids
The amount of generation currently being produced by hybrids.
Current solar
The amount of generation being produced by solar units.
Current wind
The amount of generation being produced by wind units.
A resource that can store energy for later use.
A mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, and other gases formed from the decomposition of organic materials.
Energy resources derived from organic matter, including wood, agricultural waste and other living-cell material that can be burned to produce heat energy. Biomass also can be derived from algae, sewage and other organic substances undergoing a chemical process.
The burning of coal creates steam that turns generator turbines.
Natural heat captured from underground to produce electric power, space heating, or industrial steam.
A mixed-fuel resource with one resource ID at a single point of interconnection.
Hybrid batteries
Battery resources that are a component of a hybrid resource.
Hybrid solar
Solar resources that are a component of a hybrid resource.
Hybrid wind
Wind resources that are a component of a hybrid resource.
Energy obtained by one utility from others under purchase or exchange agreement.
Large hydro
Hydroelectricity is produced by water turning turbines. Large hydro is defined as having output of 30 megawatts or more.
Natural gas
Hydrocarbon gas found in the earth, composed of methane, ethane, butane, propane and other gases.
Power obtained by splitting heavy atoms (fission) or joining light atoms (fusion). A nuclear energy plant uses a controlled atomic chain reaction to produce heat, which is used to make steam turn conventional turbine generators.
Resources not listed elsewhere, such as proxy demand response, or exempt qualifying facilities.
Energy as defined by the state’s Renewables Portfolio Standard includes solar, wind, biogas, biomass, and small hydro.
Small hydro
Hydroelectricity is produced by water turning turbines. Small hydro is defined as having output of less than 30 megawatts.
Heat and light radiated from the sun.
Naturally occurring wind turns turbines to create electricity.