
CPUC filings - 2009

39 Documents

39 of 39 results
Title Type Posted
December 11, 2009 Reply Comments on Assigned ALJ's Proposed Decision in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (OIR re: Resource Adequacy) 137.58 KB
Comment 12/14/2009, 9:11 AM
December 8, 2009 Reply Comments on Proposed Decision in Docket No. R.05-06-040 (OIR re: Confidentiality) 165.38 KB
Comment 12/09/2009, 2:32 PM
December 7, 2009 Comments on assigned Commr's PD adopting policies & findings re: Smart Grid policies in docket No. R.08-12-009 151.31 KB
Comment 12/08/2009, 8:41 AM
December 4, 2009 Comments to Assigned Comm. and ALJ's Ruling on Establishing Direct Participation Phase in docket no R.07-01-041 238.15 KB
Comment 12/07/2009, 10:57 AM
December 2, 2009 Comments on Assigned ALJ's Proposed Decision in Docket No. R.05-12-013 (OIR re: Resource Adequacy) 200.65 KB
Comment 12/03/2009, 8:06 AM
November 20, 2009 Reply Comments on Order Instituting Rulemaking in Docket No. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: Oversight of RA Program) 145.88 KB
Comment 11/20/2009, 4:07 PM
November 13, 2009 Comments on Order Instituting Rulemaking in Docket No. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: Oversight of RA Program) 150.64 KB
Comment 11/13/2009, 3:08 PM
October 19, 2009 Comments on ALJ Kolakowski's 9/28/09 Proposed Decision in Docket No. A.05-04-015 (Devers-Palo Verde 2) 153.23 KB
Comment 10/20/2009, 11:34 AM
October 12, 2009 Pre-Workshop Comments regarding Workshops 2 and 3 in Docket No. R.07-01-041 (Demand Response) 240.99 KB
Comment 10/14/2009, 7:17 AM
October 6, 2009 Pre-Hearing Conference Statement in Docket No. R.08-11-005 471.85 KB
10/06/2009, 2:22 PM
August 27, 2009 Post-Workshop Comments on the August 10 Workshop Report in R.07-01-041 (Demand Response) 272.60 KB
Comment 08/28/2009, 6:12 AM
August 6, 2009 Response to Application for Rehearing of Decision D. 09-06-028 in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Annual RA Proceeding) 311.40 KB
Response 08/06/2009, 3:03 PM
July 27, 2009 Supplemental Recommendations and Pre-Workshop Comments in R.07-01-041 (Demand Response) 549.80 KB
Comment 07/27/2009, 5:25 PM
July 20, 2009 Initial Comments on PD Adopting DR Activities & Budgets for 2009-2011 in Docket Nos. A.08-06-001,et al. 207.47 KB
Comment 07/20/2009, 4:52 PM
June 19, 2009 Notice of Ex Parte Communication in Docket No. A.05-04-015 (Devers-Palo Verde 2) 329.33 KB
06/19/2009, 4:56 PM
June 12, 2009 Response to Division of Ratepayer Advocates' Appeal in Docket No. R.08-12-009 (Smart Grid Policy) 122.28 KB
Response 06/12/2009, 5:07 PM
June 9, 2009 Reply Comments on Proposed Decision in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Annual RA Proceeding) 165.33 KB
Comment 06/09/2009, 4:27 PM
June 8, 2009 Resp. to Mot. for Expedited Consideration of ALJ Wetzell's 5/27/09 Ruling in Docket No. R.08-01-025 532.18 KB
06/09/2009, 8:38 AM
June 4, 2009 Comments on ALJ Wetzell's Proposed Decision in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Annual RA Proceeding) 210.75 KB
Comment 06/04/2009, 5:17 PM
May 12, 2009 Reply Comments to Comments on 2010 Local Capacity Requirements in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Annual RA Proceeding) 138.74 KB
Comment 05/13/2009, 7:58 AM
May 1, 2009 Notice of Availablity Re: Local Capacity Technical Analysis in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Annual RA Proceeding) 18.58 KB
05/01/2009, 3:45 PM
May 1, 2009 Updated 2010 Local Capacity Technical Analysis in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Annual RA Proceeding) 916.28 KB
05/01/2009, 3:42 PM
April 28, 2009 Response letter in the Matter of the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project A.06-08-010 106.85 KB
Response 04/28/2009, 4:49 PM
April 8, 2009 Reply Comments on CPSD's Proposed Rules in Phase I in Docket No. R.08-11-005 179.82 KB
Comment 04/09/2009, 8:22 AM
April 8, 2009 Motion to Intervene in Docket No. R.08-11-005 (Safety of Electric Utility) 125.40 KB
Motion 04/09/2009, 8:20 AM
March 23, 2009 Prehearing Conference Statement in Docket No. R.08-12-009 (Smart Grid) 137.26 KB
03/24/2009, 9:06 AM
March 9, 2009 Reply Comments of the California Independent System Operator in Docket No. R.08-12-009 (Smart Grid) 33.49 KB
Comment 03/10/2009, 12:36 PM
March 4, 2009 Response to CPUC Energy Divisions Data Requests in Docket Nos. R.08-08-009 and R.08-03-008 28.28 KB
Response 03/06/2009, 12:16 PM
February 27, 2009 Phase II Reply Comments in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Resource Adequacy) 335.45 KB
Comment 03/02/2009, 9:27 AM
February 23, 2009 Prehearing Conference & Workshop Statement in Docket Nos. I.08-03-010 and R.08-03-009 (RPS) 114.69 KB
02/24/2009, 10:25 AM
February 17, 2009 Phase II Comments in Docket No. R.08-01-025 (Resource Adequacy) 8.85 MB
Comment 02/18/2009, 11:54 AM
February 11, 2009 Reply Brief in Docket No. A.08-06-001 (Apps. for Approval of DR Programs, Goals & Budgets for 2009-2011) 246.25 KB
02/12/2009, 9:47 AM
February 11, 2009 Phase 2 Joint Proposal of ISO, SCE, & SDG&E in docket no. R.08-01-025 48.74 KB
Proposal 02/12/2009, 9:43 AM
February 9, 2009 Comments of the California Independent System Operator Corporation in Docket No. R.08-12-009 (Smart Grid) 397.22 KB
Comment 02/10/2009, 1:48 PM
February 9, 2009 Response to Applications for Rehearing of Decision in Docket No. A.06-08-010 (Sunrise) 512.99 KB
Response 02/10/2009, 1:47 PM
January 28, 2009 Opening Brief of the CAISO in Docket No. A.08-06-001 (App. of SCE for Approval of Demand Response) 328.73 KB
Filing 01/29/2009, 11:04 AM
January 15, 2009 Phase 2 Joint Proposal re: calc. of Qualifying Capacity for Wind & Solar Resources in Docket No. R08-01-025 79.00 KB
Proposal 01/15/2009, 4:17 PM
January 14, 2009 Response in Draft Resolution E-4220 in Docket Nos. R.07-01-041 and A.08-06-001 103.96 KB
Response 01/15/2009, 8:52 AM
January 9, 2009 Phase II Proposals of the California Independent System Operator in Docket No. R.08-01-025 147.29 KB
Proposal 01/14/2009, 9:30 AM
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