
CPUC filings - 2010

42 Documents

42 of 42 results
Title Type Posted
Dec 15, 2010 Motion - party status in docket A.09-05-027 (SCE's app. for Eldorado-Ivanpah transmission project) 149.83 KB
Motion 12/15/2010, 1:18 PM
Dec 13, 2010 Second response - remaining direct participating issues (phase IV part 2) docket R.07-01-041 (OIR demand response) 274.23 KB
Response 12/14/2010, 9:11 AM
Dec 13, 2010 Reply comments- ALJ DeAngelis proposed decision and Commissioner Peevey alternate decision docket A.09-05-027 188.57 KB
Comment 12/14/2010, 9:08 AM
Dec 8, 2010 Initial response - remaining direct participating issues (phase IV, part 2) docket R.07-01-041 (OIR demand response) 343.35 KB
Response 12/08/2010, 4:00 PM
Dec 6, 2010 Comments- ALJ DeAngelis proposed decision docket no. A.09-05-027 (Eldorado-Ivanpah transmission project) 218.81 KB
Comment 12/07/2010, 9:03 AM
Dec 6, 2010 Comments- ALJ Wetzell proposed decision docket A.08-11-001 134.09 KB
Comment 12/06/2010, 12:46 PM
Dec 6, 2010 Comments-ALJ Hecht decision on PG&E petition to modify D.09-08-027 in docket A.08-06-001, A.08-06-002, A.08-06-003 158.85 KB
Comment 12/06/2010, 12:40 PM
November 30, 2010 Motion for expansion of the Phase 2 scope in docket no. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: oversight of RA program) 287.45 KB
Motion 12/01/2010, 9:16 AM
November 30, 2010 Proposals on Phase 2 issues in docket no. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: oversight of RA program) 153.86 KB
Proposal 12/01/2010, 9:13 AM
November 12, 2010 Comments on application in docket A.10-10-005 (PG&E app. for approval of 4 power purchase agreements) 149.03 KB
Comment 11/12/2010, 1:39 PM
November 12, 2010 Comments on application in docket A.10-10-004 (PG&E app. for approval of 3 power purchase agreements) 147.61 KB
Comment 11/12/2010, 1:38 PM
November 8, 2010 Reply comments on the ruling on customer privacy and security issues in docket no. R.08-12-009 (Smart Grid) 146.04 KB
Comment 11/09/2010, 9:54 AM
October 25, 2010 Comments on proposed settlement in docket no. A.08-11-001 133.06 KB
Comment 10/27/2010, 2:26 PM
October 11, 2010 Reply comments on renewable integration models in docket no. R.10-05-006 279.90 KB
Comment 10/12/2010, 2:29 PM
September 21, 2010 Comments on renewable integration model methodologies in docket no. R.10-05-006 174.19 KB
Comment 09/24/2010, 3:24 PM
September 3, 2010 Opening brief in docket no. R.08-11-005 (safety of elec. utility and comm. infrastructure provider) 556.97 KB
09/03/2010, 3:21 PM
August 27, 2010 Comm. on ALJ's ruling re: phase 4 direct participation issues in docket no. R.07-01-041 (OIR re: demand resp.) 194.88 KB
08/27/2010, 3:05 PM
August 17, 2010 Comments on the proposed smart grid deployment plan metrics in docket no. R.08-12-009 (OIR re: Smart Grid) 13.96 KB
Comment 08/23/2010, 3:17 PM
August 13, 2010 Prehearing conference statement in docket no. R.08-12-009 (OIR re: Smart Grid) 18.54 KB
08/18/2010, 9:11 AM
July 19, 2010 Comments in docket no. R.10-05-006 (OIR to integrate & refine procurement policies & consider LTPP) 428.08 KB
Comment 07/20/2010, 1:36 PM
June 21, 2010 Reply comments on proposed decision in docket no. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: oversight of RA program) 140.62 KB
Comment 06/22/2010, 8:52 AM
June 14, 2010 Settling parties' opening comments on phase 3 issues in docket no. R.07-01-041 (OIR re: demand response) 284.77 KB
Comment 06/15/2010, 11:12 AM
June 11, 2010 Comments on PD adopting requirements for smart grid deployment plans, etc. in docket no. R.08-12-009 187.31 KB
Comment 06/11/2010, 12:30 PM
May 4, 2010 Response to petitions for modification of decision 10-03-021 in docket no. R.06-02-012 (OIR re: CA RPS program) 161.65 KB
Response 05/05/2010, 7:03 AM
May 3, 2010 Updated 2011 Local Capacity Technical Analysis in docket no. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: oversight of RA program) 499.93 KB
05/04/2010, 9:07 AM
April 30, 2010 Notice of ex parte communication in docket no. A.09-09-021 (costs recovery and ratemaking mechanisms) 1.10 MB
04/30/2010, 2:37 PM
April 30, 2010 Notice of ex parte communication in docket nos. A.09-10-022 and A.09-10-034 (PG&E/GWF Energy agmts) 1.10 MB
04/30/2010, 2:25 PM
April 20, 2010 Reply comments on PD on phase 4 direct participation issues in docket no. R.07-01-041 (OIR: demand response) 200.77 KB
Comment 04/21/2010, 8:44 AM
April 16, 2010 Comments on revised proposed decision in docket no. R.05-12-013 (OIR re: resource adequacy) 203.57 KB
Comment 04/16/2010, 4:06 PM
April 12, 2010 Opening comments on PD on phase 4 direct participation issues in docket no. R.07-01-041 (OIR re: demand response) 273.05 KB
Comment 04/12/2010, 4:58 PM
March 26, 2010 Reply Comments on Phase 1 workshop issues in docket no. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: oversight of RA program) 156.77 KB
Comment 03/30/2010, 2:07 PM
March 12, 2010 Comments on Phase 1 workshop issues in docket no. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: oversight of RA program) 260.39 KB
Comment 03/12/2010, 4:41 PM
March 9, 2010 Comments of the California Independent System Operator in Docket No. R.08-12-009 (OIR re: Smart Grid) 180.27 KB
Comment 03/09/2010, 5:17 PM
February 26, 2010 Comments to ALJ's ruling on restarting the Planning Reserve Margin proceeding in docket no. R.08-04-012 218.91 KB
Comment 03/02/2010, 9:01 AM
February 22, 2010 Joint motion of ISO, CLECA, DRA, Enernoc, Inc., IOUs & TURN for settlement adoption in docket no. R.07-01-041 767.68 KB
Motion 02/22/2010, 3:57 PM
January 29, 2010 Reply brief re: jurisdictional issues in docket no. R.07-01-041 (OIR re: demand response) 187.09 KB
Filing 01/29/2010, 5:14 PM
January 29, 2010 Reply comments on December 16 - 18, 2009 workshop report in docket no. R.07-01-041 (OIR re: demand response) 247.76 KB
Response 01/29/2010, 5:11 PM
January 25, 2010 Reply comments on revised proposed decision of ALJ Simon in docket no. R.06-02-012 (OIR: re: CA RPS program) 151.57 KB
Comment 01/26/2010, 10:20 AM
January 22, 2010 Reply comm to assigned Comm. and ALJ's ruling establishing direct participation phase in docket no. R.07-01-041 250.94 KB
01/25/2010, 9:00 AM
January 22, 2010 Comments on workshop report in docket no. R.07-01-041 (OIR re: demand response) 245.54 KB
Comment 01/25/2010, 8:57 AM
January 11, 2010 Proposals on Phase 1 Issues in Docket No. R.09-10-032 (OIR re: oversight of RA Program) 187.06 KB
Proposal 01/12/2010, 8:30 AM
January 8, 2010 Notice of Ex Parte Comm. in Docket No. R.06-02-012 (OIR re: CA RPS Program) 137.71 KB
01/11/2010, 8:21 AM
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