
Generated bids and outage reporting for non-resource specific RA resources

Suppliers of Resource Adequacy (RA) capacity have the obligation to bid that capacity into the California ISO market. The ISO therefore has Tariff authority to insert generated bids for RA resources that fail to bid into the market. There are gaps in this process, however, when it comes to the case of system (or import) resources that are not resource-specific but do have RA contracts (NRS-RA resources). Through this stakeholder effort, the ISO will work with market participants to address two issues required for implementing insertion of generated bids for NRS-RA resources that fail to offer into the ISO markets. The first issue is the question of what bid price to insert for automatically generated bids, and the second is that of outage reporting for these resources.

36 Documents

36 of 36 results
Title Type Posted
2012 Final System Resource Adequacy Template Cover Sheet 51.98 KB
Form/Template 08/29/2011, 3:24 PM
Powerex Comments on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting Non-resource Specific RA Resources Draft Tariff Language 34.27 KB
Comment 07/27/2011, 8:56 AM
PG&E Comments on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting Non-resource Specific RA Resources Draft Tariff Language 98.37 KB
Comment 07/27/2011, 8:54 AM
Response to SDGE Comments on Business Requirements Specifications 372.50 KB
Response 07/22/2011, 5:01 PM
Response to SCE Comments on Business Requirements Specifications 647.58 KB
Response 07/22/2011, 4:58 PM
Draft Tariff Language - Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for Non-Resource Specific Resource Adequacy Resources 110.00 KB
Tariff 07/21/2011, 12:01 PM
SDGE Comments on Business Requirement Specifications 195.69 KB
Comment 03/24/2011, 2:29 PM
SCE Comments on Business Requirement Specifications 78.85 KB
Comment 03/24/2011, 2:25 PM
Powerex Comments on Business Requirement Specifications 22.86 KB
Comment 03/24/2011, 2:22 PM
SCE Comments on the Draft Final Proposal on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 54.25 KB
Comment 06/28/2010, 2:05 PM
PG&E Comments on the Draft Final Proposal on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 82.72 KB
Comment 06/28/2010, 8:52 AM
Six Cities Comments on the Draft Final Proposal on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 54.50 KB
Comment 06/25/2010, 4:43 PM
SWP Comments on the Draft Final Proposal on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 84.49 KB
Comment 06/25/2010, 3:05 PM
Powerex Comments on the Draft Final Proposal on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 17.52 KB
Comment 06/25/2010, 3:05 PM
DMM Comments on the Draft Final Proposal on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 44.22 KB
Comment 06/25/2010, 3:04 PM
Draft Final Proposal Generated Bids and Outage Reporting 09-Jun-2010 254.88 KB
Proposal 06/09/2010, 3:36 PM
PGE Comments on Revised Straw Proposal on Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 110.10 KB
Comment 06/08/2010, 10:59 AM
Powerex Comments on Revised Straw Proposal on NRS-RA and Addendum on Subset-of-Hours 25.83 KB
Comment 05/21/2010, 10:03 AM
Six Cities Comments on Revised Straw Proposal on NRS-RA and Addendum on Subset-of-Hours 52.85 KB
Comment 05/21/2010, 10:02 AM
SWP Comments on Revised Straw Proposal on NRS-RA and Addendum on Subset-of-Hours 95.01 KB
Comment 05/21/2010, 10:00 AM
Revised Straw Proposal Addendum - Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 28-Apr-2010 442.15 KB
Proposal 04/28/2010, 1:51 PM
Revised Straw Proposal - Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 05-Apr-2010 246.60 KB
Proposal 04/05/2010, 5:05 PM
SCE Comments on the NRS-RA Straw Proposal 48.42 KB
Comment 02/08/2010, 3:43 PM
PG&E Comments on the NRS-RA Straw Proposal 90.77 KB
Comment 02/08/2010, 3:39 PM
Six Cities' Comments on the NRS-RA Straw Proposal 58.50 KB
Comment 02/08/2010, 3:38 PM
SWP Comments on the NRS-RA Straw Proposal 63.92 KB
Comment 02/08/2010, 8:53 AM
VIASYN Comments on the NRS-RA Straw Proposal 47.62 KB
Comment 02/08/2010, 8:52 AM
Powerex Comments on the NRS-RA Straw Proposal 18.72 KB
Comment 02/08/2010, 8:51 AM
SDG&E Comments on the NRS-RA Straw Proposal 37.48 KB
Comment 02/08/2010, 8:49 AM
Straw Proposal - Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for NRS-RA Resources 279.03 KB
Proposal 01/19/2010, 4:24 PM
SCE - Issue Paper Comments - 11-Jan-2010 41.25 KB
Comment 01/12/2010, 3:30 PM
SDG&E - Issue Paper Comments - 08-Jan-2010 13.88 KB
Comment 01/11/2010, 5:04 PM
PG&E - Issue Paper Comments - 08-Jan-2010 130.24 KB
Comment 01/11/2010, 5:03 PM
Powerex - Issue Paper Comments - 08-Jan-2010 18.86 KB
Comment 01/11/2010, 5:01 PM
Six Cities - Issue Paper Comments - 08-Jan-2010 45.31 KB
Comment 01/11/2010, 5:00 PM
Issue Paper - Generated Bids and Outage Reporting for Non-Resource Specific RA Resources 168.96 KB
Paper 12/18/2009, 1:00 PM
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